Theses wth - refs
Showing: theses.
Difficult Words
Dale, Spache
Flesch Kincaid Ease
Auto Index,
Flesch Kincaid Level,
Smog Index
Gunning Fog Score,
Coleman Lieu Index,
Dale Chall Score
Foot Detection Method for Footwear Augmented Reality Applications (link)
Gustav Amer, sprv. Amnir Hadachi, PhD
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Office Word 2007
Layout, formatting, template, Image enhancement techniques, image processing methods, object detection algorithm, active contour detection algorithm
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 50
[7, 47]
17 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 13.
Spache |  Dale
Rasterkujul kaartidelt sümbolite tuvastamine (link)
Aarne Aramaa, sprv. Vambola Leping
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2010
Kaardid, sümbolituvastus, masinnägemine, Maps, symbol detection, machine vision
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 40
[5, 36]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [11]
Spache |  Dale
Application-agnostic Personal Storage for Linked Data (link)
Sunday Ayandokun, sprv. Peep Küngas
Software Engineering | Word
Appscale, personal data storage, linked data
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 57
[7, 53]
11 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Runtime Monitoring of Data-Aware business rules with Integer Linear Programming (link)
Ubaier Ahmad Bhat, sprv. Fabrizio Maggi
Software Engineering | LaTeX with hyperref package
Process Mining, Conformance Checking, Runtime Compliance Monitoring, Data-Aware, Integer, Linear Programming
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 68
[9, 64]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [26]
Spache |  Dale
Model-driven engineering of Hypermedia REST applications (link)
Vishal Desai, sprv. Luciano García-Bañuelos
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2013
REST, Spring HATEOAS, Hypermedia, Code generation, Xtext
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 88
[7, 55]
9 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [47]
Spache |  Dale
Organizational Interaction Mechanisms Affecting Strategic Decision-Making During Cybercrime Investigations (link)
Alex Uriel Duran Santos, sprv. Maria C Solarte Vasquez; Raimundas Matulevičius
Cyber Security | Word
Cybercrime, investigation, organizational interaction, collaboration, cooperation, information sharing, decision-making
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 54
[5, 47]
19 wps.

Spache |  Dale
A Cost-Effective Approach to Key Management in Online Voting Scenarios (link)
Sergio Andrés Figueroa Santos, sprv. Sven Heiberg; Helger Lipmaa; Tuomas Aura
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
online voting, key management, threshold cryptography, smart cards, untrusted dealer
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 46
[6, 37]
18 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [35]
Spache |  Dale
Adding Nim programming language support to IntelliJ IDEA (link)
Dmitri Gabbasov, sprv. Vesal Vojdani
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Nim, Nim IDE, IntelliJ IDEA, IntelliJ plugin
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 32
[4, 29]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [11]
Spache |  Dale
Mobility Data Mining for Rural and Urban Map-Matching (link)
Margus Haavala, sprv. Amnir Hadachi
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2010
Map-matching, GPS trajectories, GPS, visualization, space-time cube, temporal spatial data, movement, routing, temporal spatial, data
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 43
[6, 40]
12 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [18]
Spache |  Dale
Ideede sidumine toetamaks uuendajaid ja ettevõtjaid (link)
Khachatur Hambardzumyan, sprv. Fabrizio Maria Maggi
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2016
Ideabator, crawling, text classification, keyword extraction
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 47
[6, 44]
14 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [30]
Spache |  Dale
Designing Digital Forensics Challenges for Multinational Cyber Defense Exercises (link)
Allyson Ivy Hauptman, sprv. Patrycjusz Zdzichowski; Rain Ottis; Raimundas Matulevičius
Cyber Security | Writer
Layout, formatting, template, Digital forensics, NATO, cyber exercise, malware, system forensics, network forensics, forensic reports
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 54
[4, 44]
16 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [56]
Spache |  Dale
Large Induced Forests in Planar Graphs (link)
Kairi Hennoch, sprv. Dirk Oliver Theis, Kaveh Khoshkhah
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
planar graph, induced forest
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 44
[4, 42]
15 wps.

[AB79], [AMT01], [AW87], ..., [Sal06]
Spache |  Dale
A Comprehensive Instrument for Identifying Critical Information Infrastructure Services (link)
Luis Carlos Herrera Velasquez, sprv. Olaf Manuel Maennel; Raimundas Matulevičius
Cyber Security | Word
Critical Information Infrastructure, Critical Infrastructure, Criticality Criteria, Cyber Dependence, Cascading Failure, Information and Communication Technology
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 56
[9, 51]
19 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Generating Synthetic Event Logs based on Multi- perspective Business Rules (link)
Ijlal Hussain, sprv. Fabrizio Maria Maggi
Software Engineering | Microsoft Word 2013
Layout, formatting, template, Declare, Declarative Process Models, Process Simulation, Log Generation, Multi-perspective, Integer Linear Programming
19.06.2019 15:50 | Updated
MSc 45
[6, 40]
18 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [34]
Spache |  Dale
Automatic mapping of free texts to bioinformatics ontology terms (link)
Erik Jaaniso, sprv. Hedi Peterson
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
text analysis, bioinformatics, ontologies
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 101
[6, 89]
18 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [29]
Spache |  Dale
Sarnaste koodisegmentide põhjal soovitusmudeli loomine (link)
Jaanus Jaggo, sprv. Siim Karus
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Static analysis, code clones
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 46
[4, 38]
5 wps.

[Ang16], [ANT16a], [ANT16b], ..., [ZV08]
Spache |  Dale
Exploring Business Process Deviance with Declare (link)
Juraj Jarabek, sprv. Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Fredrik Milani
Software Engineering | Microsoft Word 2013
process mining, deviance mining, Declare, LTL grammar, classification, ProM, ProM plugins, Process modelling
19.06.2019 15:50 | Updated
MSc 49
[5, 46]
11 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [20]
Spache |  Dale
Case study: Improving the Performance of Automated Acceptance Testing with Selenium (link)
Stenver Jerkku, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl; Carlos Paniagua
Software Engineering | Word
Automated Tests, Selenium, Clustering
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 10
[1, 10]
4 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Automated testing of Hypermedia REST applications (link)
Philip John, sprv. Luciano García-Bañuelos
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2016
Test-Driven Development, RESTful Applications, Domain Specific Languages
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 64
[5, 50]
14 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [20]
Spache |  Dale
Model-based Role Based Access Control for RESTful Spring applications (link)
Vinod Infant Dass John Rozario, sprv. Luciano García-Bañuelos
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2013
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 61
[6, 50]
10 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [21]
Spache |  Dale
Lab Package Development & Evaluation for the Course “Software Engineering” (link)
Bolot Kasybekov, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2013
Test-Driven Development, eXtreme programming (XP), Testing
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 42
[5, 28]
11 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [24]
Spache |  Dale
Smart Home Hacking (link)
Suela Kodra, sprv. Danilo Gligoroski (NTNU), Marie Moe(SINTEF), Dominique Unruh(UT)
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Smart Home, CoSSMic, Internet of Things, micro-grid, smart plug, replay attack, HomeMatic
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 51
[6, 42]
16 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [33]
Spache |  Dale
Service Discovery from Uniform Resource Locators of Monitored Web Applications (link)
Levani Kokhreidze, sprv. Marlon Dumas, Vladimir Šor
Software Engineering | Word
service discovery, JVM, REST, natural language processing, text mining
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 57
[7, 55]
11 wps.

Spache |  Dale
From the Brain to Intelligent Systems: The Attenuation of Sensation of Self-generated Movement (link)
Kristjan-Julius Laak, sprv. Jaan Aru, Raul Vicente
Computer Science | TeX
sensory attenuation, virtual reality, Leap Motion Controller, Oculus, Rift, self-generated movements, intelligent systems
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 8
[1, 8]
24 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Verification and Simplification of DMN Decision Tables (link)
Ülari Laurson, sprv. Marlon Dumas, Irene Teinemaa
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Decision Model and Notation, Decision Table, Sweep Algorithm, Overlapping Rules, Missing Rules, Rule Merginng
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 49
[4, 46]
14 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [22]
Spache |  Dale
Programming Patterns in Computer Games Course (link)
Margus Luik, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl, Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Design patterns, computer games, teaching, experiential learning
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 58
[5, 50]
15 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [47]
Spache |  Dale
Case study in Mobile Testing at Playtech Kiev (link)
Yaroslava Malash, sprv. Dietmar Alfred Paul Kurt Pfahl; Darya Alymova
Software Engineering |

19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 10
[1, 10]
1 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Performance optimization of a Java instrumentation agent for calling context encoding (link)
Ostap Maliuvanchuk, sprv. Vesal Vojdani, Nikita Salnikov-Tarnovski
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2013
Layout, formatting, template, Performance optimization, calling context encoding, Java agent, profiling, instrumentation
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 58
[4, 53]
13 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 16.
Spache |  Dale
Tabletop Exercise For Cybersecurity Educational Training; Theoretical Grounding And Development (link)
Carlos Arturo Martinez Forero, sprv. Maria Claudia Solarte Vasquez; Raimundas Matulevičius
Cyber Security | Word
Strategic decision making Ð Tabletop exercises Ð Cybersecurity Ð Cyber related incident Ð Cyber crisis Ð Crisis management Ð Training and education Ð Effectiveness Ð Learning outcomes Ð National cybersecurity strategies Ð Awareness
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 50
[5, 47]
18 wps.

Spache |  Dale
An Adaptive Mediation Framework for Workflow Management in the Internet of Things (link)
Jakob Mass, sprv. Chii Chang, Satish Narayana Srirama
Software Engineering |

11.07.2018 13:56 | Pending
MSc Missing encoding data for: "PDFDocEncoding".
Web Application to Calculate Genetic Risk Scores Based on Imputed Data. (link)
Kristjan Metsalu, sprv. Prof. Jaak Vilo, Reedik Mägi PhD and Tatjana Iljashenko MSc
Software Engineering | Word
Scala, Play framework, Akka, MySQL, Apache Spark, Apache Cassandra, compression, imputed data, polygenic risk prediction models
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 61
[6, 41]
13 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Price Elasticity Based Recommender System (link)
Gea Pajula, sprv. Irene Teinemaa, Jaak Vilo
Computer Science | PDFSplit! (
recommender system, collaborative ltering, price elasticity of, demand
19.06.2019 15:50 | Updated
MSc 4
[1, 4]
10 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Analysis of the Cyber Attacks against ADS-B Perspective of Aviation Experts (link)
Camilo Andres Pantoja Viveros, sprv. Olaf Manuel Maennel; Raimundas Matulevicius
Cyber Security | Microsoft® Office Word 2007
Aviation, Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast, Cyber Security, Cyber Attacks
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 58
[8, 47]
19 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [85]
Spache |  Dale
Customer Churn Prediction and Retention through Personalised Recommendation System in a SuperMarket (link)
Prashanth Parthiban, sprv. Anna Leontjeva
Software Engineering | LaTeX with hyperref package
Machine Learning, Supervised Learning, Churn, Random Forest, Recommender, Prediction, Retail
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 5
[1, 5]
11 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Cache-Timing Techniques: Exploiting the DSA Algorithm (link)
Cesar Pereida Garcia, sprv. Dr. Billy Bob Brumley, Dr. Dominique Unruh, Dr. N. Asokan
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
applied cryptography, digital signatures, side-channel analysis, timing attacks, cache-timing attacks, DSA, OpenSSL
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 62
[8, 54]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [53]
Spache |  Dale
Using Robust Rank Aggregation for Prioritising Autoimmune Targets on Protein Microarrays (link)
Vitalii Peretiatko, sprv. Dmytro Fishman, Elena Sügis
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2013
Autoimmunity, autoimmune disease, biomarker, reactive protein, robust rank aggregation, enrichment analysis
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 41
[7, 35]
14 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [37]
Spache |  Dale
Development of National Cyber Security Strategies (NCSSs), and an Application of Perspective to the Colombian Case (link)
Yuri Andrea Pinto Rojas, sprv. Maria Claudia Solarte Vasquez; Raimundas Matulevicius
Cyber Security | Word
Cyber Security, Strategy, Transferability, Adaptability, Guidelines
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 57
[10, 52]
17 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Generic Reloading for Languages Based on the Truffle Framework (link)
Tõnis Pool, sprv. Allan Raundahl Gregersen, Vesal Vojdani
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Language implementation, Tru✏e, Graal, dynamic software updates
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 51
[5, 47]
10 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [33]
Spache |  Dale
Quantum Position Verification in the Random Oracle Model (link)
Kristiina Rahkema, sprv. Dominique Unruh
Software Engineering | dvips(k) 5.995 Copyright 2015 Radical Eye Software
Quantum cryptography, monogamy of entanglement, quantum position, veriÞcation, random oracle mo del
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 80
[7, 76]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [10]
Spache |  Dale
Energy Harvesting in Cooperative Communications (link)
Akashkumar Rajaram, sprv. Dr. Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody; Dr. Vitaly Skachek
Cyber Security | LaTeX with hyperref package
Cooperative communications, energy harvesting, parallel relay system, multiple access relay system
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 63
[11, 57]
8 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [49]
Spache |  Dale
Challenges to Architecture Decision-Making in Agile Development Environments (link)
Andres Randmaa, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl; Andrés Silva
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2013
Agile, architecture, software, literature survey, case study
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 72
[7, 69]
18 wps.

Abrahamsson, P., Babar, M. A., & Kruchten, P. (2010)., Beck, Kent et al. (2001) “Manifesto for agile software development.” (04.05.2016) Boehm, B., & Turner, R. (2004)., Falessi, D., Cantone, G., & Sarcia, S. A. (2010
Spache |  Dale
Microdata Deduplication with Spark (link)
Khalil Ur Rehman, sprv. Peep Küngas
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2013
Metadata, structured data, microdata, microformats, Apache Any23, deduplication, entity resolution, entity, resolution
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 51
[9, 47]
12 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [31]
Spache |  Dale
Probabilistic Location Estimate of Passive Mobile Positioning Events (link)
Joosep Rõõmusaare, sprv. Toivo Vajakas
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
cell plan, cellular network, visualizing, mobile positioning
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 44
[9, 32]
14 wps.

[ope, 2016], [Agrawal and Zeng, 2010], [Ahas et al., 2007], ..., [Zang et al., 2010]
Spache |  Dale
Time Partitioning in Goblint: Extending region analysis with happens-before information (link)
Vootele Rõtov, sprv. Vesal Vojdani, Kalmer Apinis
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Concurrency, race condition, data race, abstract interpretation, happens-before, device drivers, Goblint
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 59
[4, 52]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [28]
Spache |  Dale
Aspect/Feature-based Evaluation of Competing Apps (link)
Yevhenii Sabanin, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl, Faiz Shah
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2016
Natural language processing, text analysis, topic mining, feature mining, sentiment analysis
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 54
[6, 50]
10 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [31]
Spache |  Dale
Revision of Security Risk-oriented Patterns for Distributed Systems (link)
Silver Samarütel, sprv. Raimundas Matulevičius
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2013
Security risk management, security patterns, security requirements engineering
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 93
[6, 46]
13 wps.

Ahmed, N., & Matulevičius, R. (2011)., Ahmed, N. (2014)., Ahmed, N., & Matulevičius, R. (2014)., ..., Matulevičius, R., Mayer, N., & Heymans, P. (2008).
Spache |  Dale
Problems and Solutions in Mobile Application Testing (link)
Triin Samuel, sprv. Dietmar Alfred Paul Kurt Pfahl
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2013
Mobile applications, testing, quality assurance, fault detection, smartphones, tablets, mobile computing, literature review, interview, questionnaire
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 52
[5, 40]
18 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [63]
Spache |  Dale
Detection solution analysis for simplistic spoofing attacks in commercial mini and micro UAVs (link)
Santiago Andres Sarmiento Bernal, sprv. Olaf Manuel Maennel; Raimundas Matulevičius
Cyber Security | Word
Spoofing detection, simplistic GPS spoofing attack, UAV, Cybersecurity, Information and Communication Technology
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 53
[8, 46]
20 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Role Based Access Control as SecureUML Model in Web Applications Development with Spring Security (link)
Andrey Sergeev, sprv. Raimundas Matulevičius
Cyber Security | Microsoft® Word 2013
RBAC, SecureUML, Eclipse plugin, Spring MVC, Spring Framework, Spring Security
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 75
[5, 60]
11 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [44]
Spache |  Dale
Secure and Efficient Mix-Nets (link)
Janno Siim, sprv. Helger Lipmaa
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
mix-net, mix network, zero-knowledge, shue
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 48
[4, 46]
11 wps.

[BG93], [BG12], [Cha81], ..., [Wik09]
Spache |  Dale
A Comprehensive Protocol Suite for Secure Two-Party Computation (link)
Sander Siim, sprv. Dan Bogdanov, Pille Pullonen
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
cryptography, secure computation, two-party computation, secret, sharing, Beaver triples, oblivious transfer extension
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 107
[7, 96]
16 wps.

[ABPP15], [ALSZ13], [ALSZ15], ..., [ZRE15]
Spache |  Dale
An Improved Type System for a Privacy-aware Programming Language and its Practical Applications (link)
Ville Sokk, sprv. Dan Bogdanov, Jaak Randmets
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
secure multi-party computation, domain speci c languages, type systems, compiler construction
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 54
[4, 50]
21 wps.

[ABPP15], [BDNP08], [BKK+ 16], ..., [ZSB13]
Spache |  Dale
Assessment of Web-based Information Security Awareness Courses (link)
Didier Dubey Suarez Medina, sprv. Maria Claudia Solarte Vasquez; Raimundas Matulevičius
Cyber Security | Microsoft® Word 2013
Awareness, information security, security policies, Learning Theories, Behavioral Theories, behavior, web-based course, social engineering, phishing email, security threat., security threat
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 63
[5, 44]
16 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [77]
Spache |  Dale
Learning DNA mutational signatures using neural networks (link)
Lauri Tammeveski, sprv. Raul Vicente Zafra, Leopold Parts, Tambet Matiisen, Ardi Tampuu
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
mutational signatures, neural networks, non-negative matrix factorization, rectied factor networks, topic modelling
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 71
[7, 62]
15 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [33]
Spache |  Dale
Integer Programming Model for Automated Valet Parking (link)
Karl Tarbe, sprv. Dirk Oliver Theis
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
integer programming
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 57
[8, 47]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [11]
Spache |  Dale
Human Mobility Mining Using Spatio-Temporal Data (link)
Dmitri Timašjov, sprv. Amnir Hadachi
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Spatio-temporal data mining, GPS data, Location prediction, Human mobility, Location analytics
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 62
[8, 56]
14 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 41.
Spache |  Dale
Predictive Process Monitoring for Lead-to-Contract Process Optimization (link)
Madhu Tipirishetty, sprv. Peep Küngas
Software Engineering | LaTeX with hyperref package
Predictive monitoring, Machine learning, Context-aware data
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 57
[5, 51]
18 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [41]
Spache |  Dale
.NET and C++ Interoperation (link)
Andres Traks, sprv. Siim Karus
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
.NET, C++, wrapper, interface, intermediate layer
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 51
[5, 46]
23 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [42]
Spache |  Dale
Predictive Monitoring of Multi-level Processes (link)
Henri Trees, sprv. Anna Leontjeva; Marlon Dumas
Software Engineering | LaTeX with hyperref package
Process Mining, Predictive Monitoring, Machine Learning
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 48
[6, 43]
19 wps.

[Alk01], [BB12], [BNJ03], ..., [XPK10]
Spache |  Dale
Mustripõhine informatsiooni eraldamine Eesti kohtulahenditest (link)
Katrin Valdson, sprv. Raul Sirel, Aleksandr Tkatšenko
Computer Science | Kingsoft Office
Textmining, informationextraction, documentsegmentation, courtdocuments
19.06.2019 15:50 | Updated
MSc 43
[4, 39]
1 wps.

[1], ..., [1]
Spache |  Dale
Visualization of Simulations of a Robot Operated Car Park System (link)
Suido Valli, sprv. Dirk Oliver Theis
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2016
Layout, formatting, template, Web application, simulation, visualization, Python, JavaScript, HTML canvas element
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 42
[5, 35]
14 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [19]
Spache |  Dale
Colombia and the Intelligence Cycle in the 21st Century, the Digital Age (link)
Luis Alejandro Velasquez Hurtado, sprv. Olaf Manuel Maennel; Raimundas Matulevicius
Cyber Security | Microsoft® Word 2010
Process, Intelligence, Counterintelligence, Planning, Collection, Analysis, Dissemination, Micro Cycle, Technological systems, Cyberspace
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 60
[7, 52]
24 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [35]
Spache |  Dale
Web Data Extraction For Content Aggregation From E-Commerce Websites (link)
Andres Viikmaa, sprv. Timo Petmanson
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Data mining, Web Scraping, Web Data Extraction, Focused Crawler, Wrap2
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 34
[5, 29]
13 wps.

[BEG+ 05], [BFG01a], [BFG01b], ..., [YG14]
Spache |  Dale
Lightweight BPMN Execution Engine (link)
Octavian Vinteler, sprv. Luciano Garcia Banuelos
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2016
Business Process Management, BPMN semantics, Distributed Systems
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
MSc 65
[5, 62]
24 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [32]
Spache |  Dale
Reeglid dialoogsüsteemile – eesti keele praktiseerimise vahend eesti keele õppijatele (link)
Ardi Aasmaa, sprv. Siiri Pärkson, Neeme Kahusk
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
language studies, dialogue system, regular expression
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 88
[4, 26]
3 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 21.
Spache |  Dale
Audiovisuaalse mooduli programmeerimine “Minu loodusheli” Android rakenduse näitel (link)
Olev Abel, sprv. Marko Peterson, Neeme Kahusk
Computer Science | Word
Audiovisual module, Android, Kanban
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 23
[4, 20]
4 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Hulgateooria ülesannete lisamine matemaatilise loogika avaldiste teisendamise keskkonnale (link)
Diana Algma, sprv. Rein Prank
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Hulgateooria, õpiprogramm, teisendamine, Set theory, learning program, formulae transformation
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 31
[4, 28]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [9]
Spache |  Dale
Using URL Templates to Find Hidden Entity Pages (link)
Ago Allikmaa, sprv. Peep Küngas
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Hidden web, entity page, URL normalization, URL deduplication
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 36
[4, 34]
15 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [14]
Spache |  Dale
Filtering Real-Time Linked Data Streams (link)
Mikk-Erik Bachmann, sprv. Peep Küngas
Information Technology |

19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 34
[5, 30]
1 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [26]
Spache |  Dale
Tarkvara audio taasesituseks piltkoodist (link)
Laimis Dalke, sprv. Eero Vainikko
Computer Science | Writer

19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 22
[4, 19]
4 wps.

1., 3., 4., ..., 19.
Spache |  Dale
CubeCart platvormil töötava veebikaupluse migreerimine PrestaShop platvormile (link)
Rain Eamets, sprv. Riina Jürgens, Maria Gaiduk
Information Technology | Microsoft® Word 2013
CubeCart, PrestaShop,, e-kaubandus, andmebaasi migratsioon, kujundus
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 35
[4, 31]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [39]
Spache |  Dale
Simulatsioonimäng veebilehitsejas (link)
Handre Elias, sprv. Benson Muite, Eero Vainikko
Computer Science | TeX
WebGL, 1-D, wave equation, simulation, image processing
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 25
[4, 21]
7 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [11]
Spache |  Dale
Platvormist sõltumatu mobiilirakendus lõunatajatele (link)
Janer Gorohhov, sprv. Pelle Jakovits
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Mobiilirakendus, Apache Cordova, AngularJS, Ionic, Sotsiaalne võrgustik, ASP.NET, C#, Platvormist sõltumatu, Prototüüp, Mobile application, Social network, ASP
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 40
[5, 36]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [20]
Spache |  Dale
Kuidas on netikeel muutunud aastatel 2001-2008? (link)
Sabiina Haiba, sprv. Heiki-Jaan Kaalep
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Internet language, emoticon, forum, corpus
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 34
[4, 34]
4 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Emotikonide tuvastamine tekstis (link)
Ando Haldna, sprv. Heiki-Jaan Kaalep
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Internet language, Emoticons, New Media, Python, Text Processing
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 28
[4, 25]
3 wps.

[1], [Viimati vaadatud 10 mai 2016], [2], ..., [19]
Spache |  Dale
Eesti keele keeleressursse kasutav õppeprogramm käänete õppimiseks (link)
Anneliis Halling, sprv. Sven Aller
Computer Science | Acrobat PDFMaker 11 for Word
learning program, corpus-based learning, language resources, Estonian cases
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 34
[5, 28]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [38]
Spache |  Dale
Programmeerimise e-kursusel osalejate küsimuste analüüs ja selle põhjal murelahendajate koostamine (link)
Kaspar Hollo, sprv. Eno Tõnisson, Tauno Palts
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
MOOC, murelahendaja, programmeerimine, kategoriseerimine, troubleshooter, programming, categorization
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 53
[6, 28]
4 wps.

Bali, M. (2014)., Duhring, J. (14.06.2013)., Ebner, M., Lackner, E., & Kopp, M. (2014)., ..., Siemens, G. (2013).
Spache |  Dale
Hädaabi väljakutsete kategoriseerimine Eesti Päästeameti andmete põhjal 2010–2013 (link)
Johannes Horm, sprv. Siim Karus
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Data mining, business intelligence, Estonian Rescue Board, Microsoft SQL Server, cluster, analysis
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 42
[4, 40]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [14]
Spache |  Dale
Versiooniuuenduse automatiseerimine kasutades skriptimiskeelt Bash (link)
Irina Ivanova, sprv. dotsent Helle Hein, Polina Morozova MSc (Nortal AS)
Information Technology | LaTeX with hyperref package
Bash script, version update, Apache Tomcat, Java, modular system
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 33
[4, 27]
13 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [9]
Spache |  Dale
Mobiilirakendus roboti juhtimiseks (link)
Arvi Kaasik, sprv. Taavi Duvin, Alo Peets, Anne Villems
Information Technology | Microsoft® Word 2016
Android, Raspberry Pi, Mobiilirakendus, Mobile Applications
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 43
[5, 39]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [17]
Spache |  Dale
Thonny arenduskeskkonna pistikprogramm automaatse tagasisidega ülesannete lahendamiseks (link)
Kelian Kaio, sprv. Aivar Annamaa
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Python, programmeerimine, PyCharm Edu, Thonny, arenduskeskkond, automaatne tagasiside, programming, IDE, automatic feedback
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 28
[4, 25]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [8]
Spache |  Dale
Maatriksiülesannete lahendamise õpikeskkonna loomine (link)
Priit Kalda, sprv. Valdis Laan, Siim Karus
Computer Science | Writer
linear algebra, matrix, web application, educational software
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 30
[4, 26]
3 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 14.
Spache |  Dale
A Prototype for a Real-time Mobile-based Ridesharing System (link)
Gerrerth Kaur, sprv. Satish Narayana Srirama, Jakob Mass
Computer Science | Word
ridesharing, carpooling, Android, Parse, Google Maps API
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 38
[8, 28]
11 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Juhtmevaba iselaadiva Arduino roboti ehitamine (link)
Triinu Liis Kelder, sprv. Anne Villems, Taavi Duvin, Alo Peets
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Wireless charging, Arduino, robotics
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 64
[5, 49]
5 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [78]
Spache |  Dale
Applying a Security Testing Methodology: a Case Study (link)
Karin Klooster, sprv. Meelis Roos, Margus Freudenthal
Computer Science | TeX
web application, security testing
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 46
[4, 27]
19 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [28]
Spache |  Dale
Using SQL-based Scripting Languages in Hadoop Ecosystem for Data Analytics (link)
Madis-Karli Koppel, sprv. Pelle Jakovits
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Spark SQL, HiveQL, Spark MLlib, Hive, Hadoop, MapReduce, SQL, data analytics, SQL-based, scripting language, Pearson's, correlation, linear regression, naive Bayes classier
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 51
[7, 45]
22 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [47]
Spache |  Dale
Platform for Trajectory Reconstruction Using Sparsely Sampled GPS Data (link)
Careelika Liisi Kuik, sprv. Amnir Hadachi
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
GPS data trajectory reconstruction, GPS data, trajectory reconstruction
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 25
[6, 22]
16 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [26]
Spache |  Dale
The Human Octopus: Controlling Supernumerary Hands with the Help of Virtual Reality (link)
Sander Kulu, sprv. Jaan Aru, Madis Vasser, Raul Vicente Zafra
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Supernumerary hands, control strategies, virtual reality, experiment
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 40
[4, 35]
14 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [21]
Spache |  Dale
Arvutiteaduste õppekavarühma õppekavad kutsehariduses (link)
Kerli Kuningas, sprv. Eno Tõnisson
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Kutseharidus, arvutiteaduste õppekavad, arvutid ja arvutivõrgud, tarkvara arendus, tarkvara arenduse tugitehnik, tarkvara ja andmebaaside haldus, Vocational education and training, computer science curricula, computers and networks, software design, support technician of software development, software and database, management
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 36
[5, 31]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [44]
Spache |  Dale
Sõnasageduste põhine logianalüüs (link)
Karl Lääts, sprv. Meelis Roos
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Sagedustabel, logifail, logi, statistiline analüüs, sõnasagedus, logi analüüs, Frequency table, log file, log, statistic analysis, word frequency, log analysis
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 30
[4, 28]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [8]
Spache |  Dale
Tsentraalse digiregistratuuri arendamise ja juurutamise käigus tehtud vigade analüüs (link)
Kadi Laidoja, sprv. Laur Kanger, Helle Hein
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2010
E-tervis, digiregistratuur, infosüsteemi edukus, infosüsteemi ebaõnnestumine, uuendatud DeLone’i ja McLeani infosüsteemi edukuse mudel, E-health, centrally administered Digital Registration system, information system success, information system failure, updated D&M IS Success Model, CERCS P175
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 43
[5, 43]
4 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Migration from Virtual Environment to Physical Infrastructure of Raspberry Pis (link)
Annika Laumets, sprv. Artjom Lind
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Raspberry Pi, Apache web server, Roundcube mail server, MediaDrop, video platform
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 36
[6, 32]
14 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [37]
Spache |  Dale
Lab Package: Static Code Analysis (link)
Kristine Leetberg, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Software testing, static code analysis, lab package
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 33
[4, 29]
13 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [11]
Spache |  Dale
Visual Aids for Programming in the Thonny IDE (link)
Rene Lehtma, sprv. Aivar Annamaa
Computer Science | Writer
syntax highlighting, IDE, programming
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 21
[5, 19]
16 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [12]
Spache |  Dale
Eesti viipekeele õpiprogramm (link)
Ann Lember, sprv. Sven Aller
Computer Science |
Signlanguage, studyprogram, Estonian signlanguage, fingerspelling
19.06.2019 15:50 | Updated
BSc 31
[5, 26]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [26]
Spache |  Dale
Structuring Business Processes and Eliciting Requirements at the Estonian Literary Museum (link)
Laura Lilleste, sprv. Raimundas Matulevičius
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Layout, formatting, template, Structuring and Modelling Business Processes, Requirements Elicitation, BPMN
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 42
[5, 40]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [7]
Spache |  Dale
Veebirakenduste arendamine ja äriprotsesside automatiseerimine: juhtumianalüüs (link)
Henrik Ling, sprv. Siim Karus
Information Technology | Microsoft® Word 2013
Web application development, business process automation, web-based databases, Estonian, Students Fund in USA, Fat Free framework, Bootstrap framework, Alpaca
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 32
[4, 32]
3 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Hardware-in-the-loop Testing Module for Mission Control System (link)
Aivar Lobjakas, sprv. Kaarel Hanson; Indrek Sünter
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2010
Space technology, CubeSat, Mission Control System, ESTCube-2, testing
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 32
[4, 25]
15 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [34]
Spache |  Dale
Animatsiooni lisamine veebilehtedele (õppemoodulid e-kursusele „Multimeedia“) (link)
Julia Loginova, sprv. Ljubov Jaanuska
Information Technology | Microsoft® Word 2013
Animation, HTML5, CSS
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 21
[4, 17]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [14]
Spache |  Dale
Arduino stardikomplekti õppematerjalid (link)
Selena Lubi, sprv. Alo Peets, Taavi Duvin, Anne Villems
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Arduino, starter kit, robotics
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 87
[5, 81]
5 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [68]
Spache |  Dale
Joogivanema infosüsteemi front-end'i prototüüp üliõpilasseltsile (link)
Madis Martin Lutter, sprv. Anne Villems
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
information system, web application, user interface, application programming interface, API
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 32
[5, 27]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [9]
Spache |  Dale
Magento, PrestaShop ja OpenCart e-poe platvormide võrdlus halduse perspektiivis (link)
Astrid Maasen-Pärnala, sprv. Vambola Leping
Information Technology | Microsoft® Word 2016
Magento, PrestaShop, OpenCart, haldusliides, e-pood, administration panel, eCommerce
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 43
[5, 39]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [7]
Spache |  Dale
Extending the VREX Toolbox for Studying False Memory in Virtual Reality (link)
Murad Magomedkerimov, sprv. Jaan Aru, Madis Vasser, Raul Vicente Zafra
Computer Science |

19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 28
[5, 23]
1 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [19]
Spache |  Dale
Tarkvaraarenduse metoodika valiku protsess (CGI Eesti AS näitel) (link)
Indrek Majas, sprv. Raul Raudsepp, Helle Hein
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Waterfall, Agile Software Development
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 27
[4, 23]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [10]
Spache |  Dale
Empirical Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms Based on EEG data (link)
Madis Masso, sprv. Ilya Kuzovkin ja Kristjan Korjus
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Machine learning algorithms, electroencephalography, statistical analysis, comparison
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 78
[6, 38]
19 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [74]
Spache |  Dale
Mõju vastendamise kasutamine väledas tarkvara tootejuhtimises (link)
Magnus Meldre, sprv. Helle Hein
Information Technology | Microsoft® Word 2010
Impact Mapping, Agile Product Management, Product Discovery, Product Delivery, Scrum, Product Owner
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 45
[5, 40]
16 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [30]
Spache |  Dale
Veebilehe loomise e-kursus gümnasistidele (link)
Martin Merisalu, sprv. Ljubov Jaanuska
Information Technology | Microsoft® Word 2013
E-course, web design, CSS, HTML, W3C
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 31
[5, 28]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [27]
Spache |  Dale
Mikroobide andmebaas (link)
Sander Mikelsaar, sprv. Siim Karus
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2010
Veebirakendus, mikroob, elektrooniline andmebaas, Web applicatio n, microbe, electronic database
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 27
[5, 24]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [19]
Spache |  Dale
Veebilehe koostamine WordPressis Tähtvere Tantsukeskuse näitel (link)
Hilari Muts, sprv. Maria Gaiduk, Mirjam Paales
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Veebileht, WordPress, sisuhaldustarkvara, Tähtvere Tantsukeskus, plugin, Webpage, content management system
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 36
[4, 28]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [52]
Spache |  Dale
Sünkroniseeritud dokumentide kuvaja arendus nutiseadmetele (link)
Kevin Nemeržitski, sprv. Kaarel Kruus, Jüri Kiho
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Sünkroniseeritud dokument, mitmetehnoloogiline võrguühendus, ühenduse krüpteerimine, iseseisev autentimine, mobiilirakendus, Synchronized document, multiple technology network connection, connection encryption, independent authentication, mobile application
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 37
[6, 33]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [10]
Spache |  Dale
iOS mobiilirakenduste arendamise kursuse õppematerjal Swift keele baasil (link)
Juri Noga, sprv. Tauno Palts, Marina Lepp
Computer Science |
Mobile applications, Swift, education, user interface design
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 29
[4, 22]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [9]
Spache |  Dale
Eesti Vabariigi seaduste ja kohtulahendite andmebaas ning ristviitamine (link)
Brait Õispuu, sprv. Mart Randala, Mare Koit
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Andmebaas, seadused, kohtulahendid, ristviitamine, päringud, Database, laws, adjudications, cross-referencing, queries
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 27
[4, 20]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [26]
Spache |  Dale
Partitioning Enterprise Systems on Docker Platform (link)
Tõnis Ojandu, sprv. Satish Narayana Srirama, PhD
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Docker, Docker Swarm, Enterprise Systems, Graph partitioning, METIS, Hardware Clusters
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 31
[4, 27]
23 wps.

[DHE], [DHJ], [DHK], ..., [SV14]
Spache |  Dale
SOA without SOAP: overview of service­-oriented architecture technologies, with emphasis on SOAP (link)
Rait Ool, sprv. Maria Gaiduk, Kristo Kuusküll
Information Technology |
SOA, service­oriented architecture, technologies comparison
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 31
[5, 28]
1 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 16.
Spache |  Dale
D2D Coupon Dissemination (link)
Henri Ots, sprv. Huber Flores
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2010
Mobile, Android, P2P, D2D, P170 Computer science, numerical analysis, systems, control
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 25
[4, 22]
13 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [11]
Spache |  Dale
Õppematerjalid ainele "Multimeedia" (link)
Silver Palumaa, sprv. Lidia Feklistova
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
audio editing, video editing, Audacity, FL Studio, Avidemux, Jahshaka, multimedia, educational material, video tutorials
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 30
[5, 25]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [19]
Spache |  Dale
E-kursuse "Programmeerimise alused" logifailide analüüs (link)
Keili Pedel, sprv. Eno Tõnisson
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Programming e-course, Thonny, log files
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 39
[5, 31]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [10]
Spache |  Dale
Protseduuriline linnade genereerimine (link)
Kristjan Perli, sprv. Ahti Peder, Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Protseduuriline genereerimine, linna genereerimine, arvutigraafika, Procedural generation, city generation, computer graphics
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 37
[5, 33]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [11]
Spache |  Dale
From Static and Dynamic Websites to Static Site Generators (link)
Hillar Petersen, sprv. Karl Blum, Tõnu Tamme
Information Technology | Microsoft® Word 2013
Kujundus, paigutus, mall, Web development, Content Management System, Static Site Generator, Jekyll, Hexo, Hu-, go
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 32
[6, 29]
12 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [30]
Spache |  Dale
Teaching Advanced Bash Scripting Using Semi-automated Assessment Environment (link)
Viktoria Plemakova, sprv. Artjom Lind
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Unix, Linux, Bash, scripting, automated testing
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 47
[8, 28]
15 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [22]
Spache |  Dale
Exploring how images are represented in human brain activity (link)
Kristiina Pokk, sprv. Raul Vicente, Jaan Aru
Computer Science | PDFium
high-gamma frequency, unsupervised machine learning, visualization, biclustering
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 29
[5, 25]
19 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [16]
Spache |  Dale
Moving Object Detection and Tracking Using Dynamic Background and Foreground Separation for the Purpose of Traffic Analysis on Mobile Device (link)
Anton Prokopov, sprv. Assoc. Prof. Gholamreza Anbarjafari, Priit Salumaa, MSc
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Gaussian Mixture Model, Background subtraction, Foreground segmentation, Android NDK, OpenCV, Blob Detection, trac analysis
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 36
[5, 17]
17 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Tarkvara loomine erinevate k-keskmiste algoritmide rakendamiseks (link)
Joonas Puura, sprv. Jaak Vilo
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
k-keskmised, klasteranalüüs, algoritmid, k-means, cluster analysis, algorithms
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 47
[5, 43]
5 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [22]
Spache |  Dale
JavaScripti raamistike võrdlus (link)
Erik Räni, sprv. Vambola Leping, MSc
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
JavaScript, MVC, MV*, veebirakendus, web application
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 161
[6, 113]
5 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [414]
Spache |  Dale
Security of Eduroam Passwords (link)
Raul-Martin Rebane, sprv. Dominique Unruh
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
eduroam, wireless security, Extensible Authentication Protocol, MSCHAPv2, Data Encryption Standard
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 39
[4, 28]
17 wps.

[Abo05], [Ant], [Aut15], ..., [Zor10]
Spache |  Dale
Android application for organising meetings (link)
Juhan-Rasmus Risti, sprv. Satish Narayana Srirama, Liyanage Don Mohan Devapriya Liyanage
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Android, meetings organiser, automatic location recommendation, real-time GPS tracking
11.06.2021 17:57 | Updated
BSc 31
[5, 26]
10 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [28]
Spache |  Dale
Aine Tehisintellekt I õpitarkvara (link)
Harri Saar, sprv. Tõnu Tamme
Computer Science | Word
Artificial intelligence, search tree, depth-first search, breadth-first search, educational software
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 29
[5, 29]
3 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Ülikoolieelse programmeerimiskogemuse mõju informaatika üliõpilaste õpingutele (link)
Sirle Sagur, sprv. Eno Tõnisson, Külli Kori
Information Technology | Microsoft® Word 2013
ICT, information and communication technology, computer science, previous programming, experience
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 26
[4, 21]
4 wps.

[1], [], [2], ..., [7]
Spache |  Dale
Antiigioksjoni portaali loomine (link)
Ranal Saron, sprv. Vambola Leping
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Antiik, oksjon, internetioksjon, saalioksjon, oksjoniportaal, veebiarendus, Antiques, auction, bidding, web, online
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 38
[4, 34]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [33]
Spache |  Dale
Programmeerimine rakenduses Raintree ja keeles RSL (link)
Mait Sarv, sprv. Tõnu Tamme
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
RSL, Raintree, õppevahend, study material
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 35
[5, 29]
4 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 5.
Spache |  Dale
Protseduuriline lõpmatu maastiku genereerimine (link)
Andreas Sepp, sprv. Ahti Peder, Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Protseduuriline genereerimine, maastiku genereerimine, lõpmatu maastiku genereerimine, müra, väärtusmüra, gradientmüra, Perlini müra, simpleksmüra, bioomide genereerimine, taimede paigutuse genereerimine, arvutigraafika, vokslid, piirnevad kuubikud, Unity., Procedural generation, land generation, terrain generation, infinite terrain generation, volumetric terrain generation, noise, value noise, gradient noise, Perlin noise, simplex, biome generation, plant placement generation, computer graphics, voxels, marching, cubes, Unity
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 64
[6, 56]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [33]
Spache |  Dale
Expanding the Functionalities of VREX (link)
Vladislav Stafinjak, sprv. Jaan Aru, Madis Vasser, Raul Vicente Zafra
Computer Science |
Virtual reality, Unity, psychology, toolbox
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 24
[4, 21]
12 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [15]
Spache |  Dale
Digitizing Helmes Professional Development Roadmaps (link)
Oliver Stimmer, sprv. Fredrik Payman Milani
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Business analysis, Scrum, professional development in a software company, professional development plans, professional, development plans
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 61
[5, 43]
14 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [26]
Spache |  Dale
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 näitel muusikaplaadi mängija ehitamine (link)
Meelis Sulg, sprv. Anne Villems, Taavi Duvin, Alo Peets
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
LEGO, EV3, robootika, muusikaplaadi mängija, demorobot, robotics, music center, demo robot
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 35
[4, 27]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [24]
Spache |  Dale
Continuous Ranking of Estonian Public Sector Web Sites With Respect to WCAG 2.0 Guidelines (link)
Jaan Susi, sprv. Peep Küngas
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Web Archive, WCAG 2.0, Grading, Automated, Pa11y, Aggregation, Algorithms, WCAG 2
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 30
[4, 27]
15 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [24]
Spache |  Dale
Venni diagrammide õpiprogramm (link)
Marko Täht, sprv. Rein Prank
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Venni diagramm, õpiprogramm, Venn diagram, learning program
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 33
[4, 29]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [6]
Spache |  Dale
Description and Application of Gene Expression Data Analysis Method Barcode (link)
Sander Tars, sprv. Anna Ufliand, Priit Adler
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Principal component analysis (PCA), Hierarchical clustering, Barcode, gene, expression, microarray experiment data, frozen RMA (fRMA)
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 44
[6, 38]
19 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [13]
Spache |  Dale
Building and Configuring a Custom Private Cloud Using Consumer Hardware (link)
Andre Tättar, sprv. Artjom Lind
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
OpenStack, Mitaka, Ubuntu, private cloud
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 40
[6, 37]
14 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [20]
Spache |  Dale
Comparison of Business Motivation Model and Intentional Distribution (link)
Rando Tõnisson, sprv. Raimundas Matulevičius
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
BMM, the i* framework, SEQUAL, business process management, language quality, model, quality
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 43
[5, 39]
14 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Õppematerjal mängu loomiseks mängumootoriga Unreal Engine 4 (link)
Thomas-Bairam Toodo, sprv. Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel
Computer Science | Writer
Computer graphics, tutorial, Unreal Engine 4, game engines
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 27
[4, 27]
3 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Large-scale Provisioning and Configuration Management (link)
Dmitri Tšumak, sprv. Artjom Lind
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
large-scale provisioning, con guration management, system administration, Ansible in practice, con guration management scripts testing
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 48
[8, 42]
22 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [40]
Spache |  Dale
Comparison of Face Recognition Neural Networks (link)
Zepp Uibo, sprv. Tambet Matiisen
Computer Science |

19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 23
[4, 19]
4 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 21.
Spache |  Dale
Ülevaade optilise märgituvastuse meetoditest (link)
Anni Uutma, sprv. Artjom Lind
Computer Science | TeX
Computer vision, optical character recognition, pattern matching, licence plate recognition, image processing
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 26
[4, 26]
5 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Murelahendajate loomise keskkond (link)
Vello Vaherpuu, sprv. Eno Tõnisson
Computer Science | Word
MOOC, troubleshooter, troubleshooting, web application
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 28
[5, 24]
4 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Veebirakendus hambaravi firmale (link)
Andrey Vavilov, sprv. Siim Karus
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Veebirakendus, hambaravi, hambaravi programm, veebipõhine rakendus hambaravifirmale, Web application, tooth clinic, tooth clinic programm, web based application for tooth clinic
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 23
[5, 20]
4 wps.

[1], ..., [1]
Spache |  Dale
Arvutialaste ainete õpe Eesti põhikoolides kahe maakonna näitel (link)
Kätlin Viilukas, sprv. Eno Tõnisson
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Computer science in basic school, computer handling, robotics in basic school, informatics, teachers, computer literacy
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 45
[4, 34]
3 wps.

Alenezi, A. (2016)., Altin, H. & Rantsus, R. (2016)., Barreto, F. & Benitti, V. (2012)., ..., Castro, M. F. A., Alves, L. A. (2009).
Spache |  Dale
Graafialgoritmide visualiseerimine (link)
Hiie Vill, sprv. Härmel Nestra
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Graph algorithms, visualizing graphs
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 25
[5, 21]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [22]
Spache |  Dale
Pallimängude statistika tegemise veebirakendus (link)
Alfred-Reinhard Vuks, sprv. Eno Tõnisson
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Web application, ball games, basketball, statistics
19.06.2019 12:51 | Updated
BSc 36
[4, 22]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [56]
Spache |  Dale