Theses wth - refs
Showing: theses.
Difficult Words
Dale, Spache
Flesch Kincaid Ease
Auto Index,
Flesch Kincaid Level,
Smog Index
Gunning Fog Score,
Coleman Lieu Index,
Dale Chall Score
Application and Evaluation of LSTM Architectures for Energy Time-Series Forecasting (link)
Gunay Abdullayeva, sprv. Alan Henry Tkaczyk, Meelis Kull, Nicolas Kuhaupt
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Neural Networks, ARIMA, Persistence forecast, long short-term memory, Standard, LSTM, Stack LSTM, Sequence to Sequence LSTM, univariate time series forecasting, multivariate time series forecasting, energy forecasting
20.06.2020 16:42 | Updated
MSc 60
[6, 56]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [28]
Spache |  Dale
Software Runtime Data: Visualization and Integration with Development Data – A Case Study (link)
Aytaj Aghabayli, sprv. Dr. Dietmar Pfahl, Dr. Silverio Martínez-Fernández
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Software quality, software runtime data, external quality, software analytics
20.06.2020 16:42 | Updated
MSc 56
[5, 36]
9 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [39]
Spache |  Dale
Extremely Low Qquality Image Face Recognition (link)
Abdulateef Olamide Alli, sprv. Prof. Gholamreza Anbarjafari
Software Engineering | TeX
Face Recognition, Super Resolution, Extremely Low Quality Image
20.06.2020 16:42 | Updated
MSc 45
[11, 41]
18 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [31]
Spache |  Dale
Issue Resolution Time Prediction Using Deep Learning Techniques (link)
Atakan Arikan, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl
Software Engineering | Pages
Issue resolution, defect resolution time, issue time prediction, machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, resolution time, software issue, prediction, GitHub, data analy-sis
20.06.2020 16:42 | Updated
MSc 46
[6, 43]
14 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Mobile Phone Digital Evidence Providers to Investigate Driver’s Distraction (link)
Lukáš Bortník, sprv. Pavel Laptev, Satish Narayana Srirama
Cyber Security | Word
digital evidence, mobile forensics, car accident, driverÕs distraction, android dumpsys
20.06.2020 16:42 | Updated
MSc 4
[1, 4]
6 wps.

Spache |  Dale
A Comparison of Security Risk Analysis in the In-house IT Infrastructure and Cloud Infrastructure for the Payment Gateway System (link)
Pubudini Gayanjalie Dissanayake, sprv. Hayretdin Bahsi PhD and Raimundas Matulevičius PhD
Cyber Security | Microsoft® Word 2013
Keywords:, Security risk analysis, ArchiMate, ISSRM, Enterprise architecture, Cloud infrastructure, Threat modelling, Payment gateway system, BPMN
20.06.2020 16:42 | Updated
MSc 58
[9, 52]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [58]
Spache |  Dale
Classifier Evaluation With Proper Scoring Rules (link)
Diana Grygorian, sprv. Meelis Kull, PhD
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
machine learning, classier evaluation, probabilistic classication, proper scoring rules, cost-sensitive learning
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 45
[5, 41]
5 wps.

[Banerjee et al., 2005], [Boyd and Vandenberghe, 2004], [Bregman, 1967], ..., [Yao, 2017]
Spache |  Dale
Object Detection Using LiDAR and Camera Fusion in Off-road Conditions (link)
Mahir Gulzar, sprv. Tambet Matiisen
Computer Science |
Object detection, sensor fusion, LiDAR, camera, frustum, off-road scenarios, ROS
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 51
[7, 46]
6 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [52]
Spache |  Dale
Automated Balance Depletion Prediction in Retail Banking (link)
Eldar Hasanov, sprv. Marlon Dumas
Software Engineering | LaTeX with hyperref package
machine learning, balance depletion, feature engineering, feature selection
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 4
[1, 4]
8 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Classification and Prediction of Business Incidents Using Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection (link)
Samreen Mahak Hassan, sprv. Aleksandr Tavgen, Martin Kiilo and Raimundas Matulevičius
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Anomaly Detection, Business Incidents, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Classication, Predictive Analytics, Playtech
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 4
[1, 4]
6 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Model Driven Development and Analysis for Embedded Automotive Software (link)
Liem Radita Tapaning Hesti, sprv. Dr. Kalmer Apinis, Dr. Christian Saad
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Model Driven Development, Model Driven Analysis, Embedded System, AUTOSAR, Automotive Software
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 62
[5, 36]
20 wps.

[AHKPM05], [AUTa], [AUTb], ..., [ZKP+ 08]
Spache |  Dale
Veebirakendus vooluveekogumite seisundite hindamiseks (link)
Merike Hindrikson, sprv. Helle Hein
Conversion Master in IT | Microsoft® Word 2013
Database, SQLite, R, Shiny, Data analysis
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 40
[4, 34]
3 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 28.
Spache |  Dale
Automatization for Finding Supplementary Materials for University Courses (link)
Anastassia Ivanova, sprv. Siim Karus
Software Engineering |
text analysis, machine learning, search, study materials
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 64
[6, 48]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [20]
Spache |  Dale
Infosüsteemid kliiniliste uuringute monitoorimise toetajatena (link)
Jane Jäger, sprv. Margus Jäger, Sulev Reisberg
Conversion Master in IT | Microsoft Word 2010
Kliiniliste uuringute infossteemid, kliiniliste uuringute monitor, kliiniliste uuringute haldamise infossteem, monitori aruanne, monitori tlauavaade, integreeritud kliiniliste uuringute infossteemid, Clinical trials information systems, Clinical Research Associate, Clinical Trial, Management System, monitoring report, CRA dashboard, integrated clinical trials systems
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 60
[4, 50]
4 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Software Infrastructure and Course Design of a Robotics Course (link)
Janno Jõgeva, sprv. Eno Tõnisson
Computer Science | pdftk 2.02 -
Course Design, Course Scalability, Robotics, Action Research
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 74
[5, 70]
14 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 42.
Spache |  Dale
Refinement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Model: Administrative Fines Perspective (link)
Kaspar Kala, sprv. Raimundas Matulevičius, Jake Tom
Conversion Master in IT | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
GDPR, compliance, UML, data protection officer, administrative fines., administrative fines
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 66
[6, 60]
15 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 30.
Spache |  Dale
Metoodika kasvatusväärtuste automaatseks eraldamiseks online-meediatekstidest (link)
Teet Kalmus, sprv. Dage Särg, MA ja prof. Veronika Kalmus
Conversion Master in IT | Microsoft® Word 2010
sentiment analysis, socialization values, natural language processing, web, crawling
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 49
[5, 41]
3 wps.

Alwin D. (2001)., Brooke J, Tofiloski M, ja Taboada M. (2009)., Esuli A ja Sebastiani F. (2006)., ..., Tulviste T, Mizera L ja De Geer B. (2012).
Spache |  Dale
Entity Linking via Topic Models in Apache Spark (link)
Olha Kaminska, sprv. Pelle Jakovits, Peep Küngas
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Entity Linking, Topic Modeling, Apache Spark, Natural Language Processing, Relationship Graph
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 74
[8, 66]
14 wps.

[BK07], [Cha18], [CWL+ 18], ..., [Xu18]
Spache |  Dale
An Empirical Investigation on Wage Inequality in Estonian Firms (link)
Kevin Kanarbik, sprv. Rajesh Sharma, Jaan Masso
Software Engineering | LaTeX with hyperref package
wage inequality, rm growth, exploratory analysis, predictive analysis
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 38
[4, 35]
19 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [27]
Spache |  Dale
Using Embeddings to Improve Text Segmentation (link)
Kaur Karus, sprv. Mark Fišel
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Text segmentation, word vectors
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 26
[5, 21]
18 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [20]
Spache |  Dale
Designing a Robust and Portable Workflow for Detecting Genetic Variants Associated with Molecular Phenotypes Across Multiple Studies (link)
Nurlan Kerimov, sprv. Kaur Alasoo
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2013
pipeline, workflow, bioinformatics tools, workflow framework, QTL mapping, containerized pipeline
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 64
[6, 64]
9 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Enhancing Breast Cancer Prediction Using Unlabeled Data (link)
Khatia Kilanava, sprv. Prof. Sherif Aly Ahmed Sakr, Dr. Radwa El Shawi
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Invasive ductal carcinoma, interpretability, convolutional neural networks, whole-slide, imaging, generative adversarial networks, machine learning
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 57
[9, 41]
13 wps.

[AAL+ 15], [AAL+ 16], [ABP16], ..., [ZZM+ 17]
Spache |  Dale
Farming Events Detection from Sentinel-1 and -2 Satellite Imagery Time Series with Deep Learning (link)
Viacheslav Komisarenko, sprv. Sherif Sakr, Kaupo Voormansik, Yousef Essam
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Satellite data, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, CNN, convolutional neural networks, farming, events detection, transfer learning, reject region
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 44
[5, 41]
12 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [22]
Spache |  Dale
Style Transfer via Zero-Shot Monolingual Neural Machine Translation (link)
Elizaveta Korotkova, sprv. Mark Fišel
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
natural language processing, style transfer, neural machine translation, zero-, shot machine translation
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 38
[4, 32]
13 wps.

[Artetxe and Schwenk, 2018], [Bahdanau et al., 2015], [Bengio et al., 2003], ..., [Zhao et al., 2017]
Spache |  Dale
Multimodal Route Planning Algorithm for Encouraging the Usage of Different Means of Public Transportation (link)
Careelika Liisi Kuik, sprv. Amnir Hadachi
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
GPS data trajectory reconstruction
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 40
[7, 34]
15 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [34]
Spache |  Dale
Phrase Similarity Measures Based on Word Mover's Distance (link)
Hele-Andra Kuulmets, sprv. Sven Laur
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
natural language processing, semantic similarity, Word Mover's Distance
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 46
[6, 42]
13 wps.

[BDVJ03], [BG05], [Bis06], ..., [VCC99]
Spache |  Dale
Andmete migratsiooni testimine (link)
Sirje Lind, sprv. Anne Villems
Conversion Master in IT |
data migration, testing, data quality
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 77
[5, 42]
2 wps.

Althani, B., & Khaddaj, S. (2017)., Cybernetica. (2019)., ETL Concepts. (2015)., ..., Woodall, P., Oberhofer, M., & Borek, A. (2014).
Spache |  Dale
Automatic Labelling of Point Clouds Using Image Semantic Segmentation (link)
Markus Loide, sprv. Tambet Matiisen
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
autonomous driving, deep learning, point cloud, semantic segmentation, projection
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 41
[5, 37]
9 wps.

[Bar16], [CBL+ 19], [Cha17], ..., [YML18]
Spache |  Dale
The Development of Digital Forensics Workforce Competency on the Example of Estonian Defence League (link)
Marek Matsalu, sprv. Raimundas Matulevičius, PhD, Hillar Põldmaa, MSc
Cyber Security | Microsoft Word 2016
riminal proceedings, Cyber Crime, permanent education, Cyber security, Information technology.
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 87
[8, 58]
15 wps.

Altawy, R., & Youssef, A. M. (2016)., Apollo Education Group Inc. and University of Phoenix. (2015)., Aquilina, J. M. (2008)., ..., Yan, W. Q. (2017).
Spache |  Dale
Aligning Data-Aware Declarative Process Models and Event Logs (link)
Clive Tinashe Mawoko, sprv. Fabrizio M. Maggi
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Process Mining, Declarative Process Models, Data-aware Conformance, checking, Alignment
20.06.2020 16:43 | Updated
MSc 49
[9, 45]
11 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [25]
Spache |  Dale
Data-aware Conformance Checking (link)
Maksym Melnyk, sprv. Marlon Dumas, Thomas Baier
Software Engineering | Word
Process Mining, Conformance Checking, Data-aware, BPMN, Event Log, Automaton, Elixir
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 41
[5, 39]
13 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [9]
Spache |  Dale
A Statistical Drift Detection Method (link)
Simona Micevska, sprv. Sherif Sakr, Toivo Vajakas
Computer Science | TeX
Concept drift, Concept drift detection, Distribution changes, Data streams
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 61
[5, 57]
23 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [32]
Spache |  Dale
Bourse de France infosüsteemi kavandamine (link)
Jaan Õmblus, sprv. Vambola Leping
Conversion Master in IT | Microsoft® Word 2013
information system, functional and nonfunctional requirements, data model, business process, stock exchange
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 144
[4, 99]
4 wps.

Admati, A., Hellwing, M. (2014)., AFDIT. (2018)., Albertini, J., F. (2017)., ..., Volle, M. (2001).
Spache |  Dale
Välearendusele üleminek Siseministeeriumi infotehnoloogia- ja arenduskeskuses (link)
Tõnu Oro, sprv. Evgenia Trofimova
Conversion Master in IT | Microsoft® Word 2016
Välearendus, agiilne transformatsioon, avalik sektor, agiilne mõtteviis, üleminek välearendusele, Agile, agile transformation, agile mindset, public sector
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 3
[1, 3]
4 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Information Security Risk Assessment in the Context of Outsourcing in a Financial Institution (link)
Kärt Padur, sprv. Raimundas Matulevičius, Ph.D Liis Rebane, Ph.D Toomas Vaks, MA
Cyber Security | Word
Information security risk assessment, ISSRM, Bayesian Network, Attack graph, Financial, institutions, Outsourcing
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 58
[9, 51]
13 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [47]
Spache |  Dale
Computational Estimation of Fetal DNA Fraction in Low Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing Data (link)
Priit Paluoja, sprv. Priit Palta, Kaarel Krjutškov
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word Office 365 jaoks
Loote rakuvaba DNA, NIPT, genoomi informaatika, sekveneerimise informaatika, SeqFF, masinõpe, elastic net, Y-kromosoomi põhine meetod, Cell-free fetal DNA, genome informatics, sequencing informatics, machine learning, elas-, tic net, chromosome Y based method, fetal fraction
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 40
[5, 36]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [26]
Spache |  Dale
Applications of Deep Neural Networks for Cell Phenotyping in Co-cultures (link)
Mikhail Papkov, sprv. Dmytro Fishman, Leopold Parts
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
deep learning, neural networks, transfer learning, uorescent microscopy, cell phenotyping, co-cultures
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 4
[1, 4]
8 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Optimization of the ROCA (CVE-2017-15361) Attack (link)
Bruno Didier Produit, sprv. Arnis Paršovs, MSc
Cyber Security | XeLaTeX
Cryptography, smartcard, ROCA, RSA, Coppersmith, Factoring, Entropy, Cyber-security, High-performance computing
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 27
[4, 27]
11 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Most Effective MVP Methods: Case Study of Five Successful Estonian Startups (link)
Kadi Pung, sprv. Evgenia Trofimova
Conversion Master in IT | Word
Software product, minimal viable product, startup
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 3
[1, 3]
9 wps.

Spache |  Dale
An Automated Methodology for Validating Web Related Cyber Threat Intelligence by Implementing a Honeyclient (link)
Ivo Pure, sprv. Risto Vaarandi, Raimundas Matulevicius
Cyber Security | Microsoft Word 2016
Cyber threat intelligence validation and automation, honeyclient, YARA, Javascript sandbox, Javascript sand-, box
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 64
[9, 52]
12 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [39]
Spache |  Dale
Advanced Methods in Business Process Deviance Mining (link)
Joonas Puura, sprv. Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Chiara Di Francescomarino and Chiara Ghidini
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Deviance mining, business process, Declare, classication
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 68
[6, 63]
15 wps.

[Alp14], [AS], [BCDFM14], ..., [WGV14]
Spache |  Dale
Generative Dependency Language Modeling Using Recurrent Neural Networks (link)
Liisa Rätsep, sprv. Kairit Sirts
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
generative language modeling, recurrent neural networks, natural language, processing, dependency parsing
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 38
[5, 31]
20 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [38]
Spache |  Dale
Penetration Testing of Glia’s Web Application (link)
Doris Sarapuu, sprv. Kristjan Krips, Carlos Paniagua
Conversion Master in IT | Word
web application, penetration testing, risk assessment
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 3
[1, 3]
7 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Activity Recognition Using Accelerometers (link)
Hristijan Sardjoski, sprv. Meelis Kull
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
activity recognition, accelerometer, feature engineering, time series segmentation, machine learning, neural networks
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 76
[6, 64]
18 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [42]
Spache |  Dale
A Specification of Layer-Based Information Security Management System for the Issue Tracking System (link)
Mari Seeba, sprv. Raimundas Matulevičius, Ahto Buldas
Conversion Master in IT | LaTeX with hyperref package
Information security management, ISO27001, ISMS tool, compliance management, requirements engineering, layer-based ISMS
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 98
[6, 46]
15 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [29]
Spache |  Dale
Jointly Tackling User and Item Cold-start with Sequential Contentbased Recommendations (link)
Maksym Semikin, sprv. Tambet Matiisen, Carlos Bentes
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Recurrent neural networks, Recommender systems, Cold-start, Sequential recommendations, Personalized ranking, Content-based recommendations
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 40
[6, 35]
14 wps.

[ABAH14], [Agg16], [AT11], ..., [ZYST19]
Spache |  Dale
Probabilistic Forecasting with Monte-Carlo Dropout Network (link)
Novin Shahroudi, sprv. Meelis Kull, Sebastian Haglund El Gaidi, Erik Ylipää
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Probabilistic Forecasting, Bayesian Deep Learning, Wind Power Forecasting, Neural, Network, Uncertainty
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 73
[7, 69]
13 wps.

[Bis06], [BJ76], [C+ 15], ..., [VSP+ 17]
Spache |  Dale
Scaling Up a Software Product: The Journey of Pipedrive (link)
Oleksandr Shvechykov, sprv. Marlon Dumas
Software Engineering | PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
Agile, scaling, monolith, microservices
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 3
[1, 3]
8 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Analysis of Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Parameter Sharing (link)
Prabhant Singh, sprv. Tobias Jacobs, Meelis Kull
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Neural architecture search, deep learning, reinforcement learning, AutoML, machine, learning, transfer learning
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 43
[5, 38]
16 wps.

[AL], [ASP94], [BKZ+ 18], ..., [ZVSL17]
Spache |  Dale
Actor model in the IoT network edge for creating distributed applica-tions using Akka (link)
Freddy Marcelo Surriabre Dick, sprv. Satish Narayana Srirama
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2016
IoT, Akka, Actor Model, Edge computing, Docker
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 64
[6, 61]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [24]
Spache |  Dale
Monitoring Software Errors: Case Study at Playtech Live Unit (link)
Liis Suuressaar, sprv. Dietmar Alfred Paul Kurt Pfahl, PhD
Conversion Master in IT | Foxit Software Inc.
Monitoring, reporting, software errors, Playtech, log file
20.06.2020 16:44 | Updated
MSc 4
[1, 4]
7 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Eesti eelkooliealiste laste terviseseisund ja tervisekäitumine sünnist kuni 7aastaseks saamiseni 2010. aasta sünnikohordi põhjal Eesti Haigekassa raviarvete alusel (link)
Sirli Tamm, sprv. Marek Oja, Sulev Reisberg
Conversion Master in IT | Microsoft® Word Office 365 jaoks
Electronic health registers, EHR, pre-school children, health behaviour, health, status
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
MSc 100
[6, 78]
4 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 186.
Spache |  Dale
Tighter Post-quantum Secure Encryption Schemes Using Semi-classical Oracles (link)
Reelika Tõnisson, sprv. Dominique Peer Ghislain Unruh
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref
Post-quantum cryptography, random oracle model, public-key encryption, semi-classical oracles
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
MSc 43
[4, 39]
12 wps.

[AHU19], [ATTU16], [BR93], ..., [Zha12]
Spache |  Dale
What Happens to All These Hackathon Projects? (link)
Karl-Martin Uiga, sprv. Alexander Nolte
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2016
Hackathon, Team event, Software engineering, Project Sustainability, Innovation
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
MSc 47
[5, 42]
18 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [31]
Spache |  Dale
RTIP puhkuste ajakava koostamise vahendi analüüs ja re-disain (link)
Anu Ülejõe, sprv. Vambola Leping
Conversion Master in IT | Microsoft® Word Office 365 jaoks
Äriprotsesside juhtimine, töötaja iseteenindusportaal., Business process management, Employee Self Service Portal
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
MSc 45
[5, 40]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [22]
Spache |  Dale
Onboarding Unified Logging to Serverless Computing Model (link)
Kristiina Vaab, sprv. Meelis Roos
Conversion Master in IT | Microsoft Word
Serverless Computing, Serverless Programming, Cloud Computing, Functions as a Service (FaaS), microservices, Functions as a Service, (FaaS)
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
MSc 4
[1, 4]
9 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Emergency Vehicle Warning System for Automotives’ Navigational Systems (link)
Vello Vaherpuu, sprv. Amnir Hadachi
Software Engineering |
Emergency vehicles, safety, mobile application
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
MSc 48
[7, 39]
16 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Parking Space Monitoring and ID Based Car Tracking (link)
Rasmus Vahtra, sprv. Prof. Gholamreza Anbarjafari, Egils Avots, MSc
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Neural networks, YOLO, Darknet, Kalman lter, parking space monitoring, tracking IDs
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
MSc 51
[9, 48]
18 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [21]
Spache |  Dale
Requirements Management in Off-The-Shelf Software Implementation Projects: A Case Study in Playtech (link)
Mari Vaiksaar, sprv. Fredrik Payman Milani
Conversion Master in IT | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Requirements management, off-the-shelf software, online gambling, Playtech
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
MSc 4
[1, 4]
7 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Avaandmete avaldamise mõjude hindamise töövahend (link)
Mari Väljaots, sprv. Vambola Leping, Ott Velsberg
Conversion Master in IT | Word
open data, open government data, impact assessment
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
MSc 39
[4, 29]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [35]
Spache |  Dale
Travel Time Prediction Based on Raw GPS Data (link)
Sander-Sebastian Värv, sprv. Amnir Hadachi, Artjom Lind
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Location-based services, estimated time of arrival, travel time prediction, geospatial information, Open-Street-Map based solution, geospatial infor-, mation
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
MSc 52
[7, 48]
20 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [31]
Spache |  Dale
Analyzing Activity of the Human Brain During Decision Making (link)
Mari Liis Velner, sprv. Raul Vicente Zafra
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Decision making, orbitofrontal cortex, machine learning, canonical correlation analysis, biclustering
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
MSc 90
[6, 84]
16 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [47]
Spache |  Dale
Multi-level Policy-aware Privacy Analysis (link)
Maksym Yerokhin, sprv. Pille Pullonen, Luciano García-Bañuelos
Software Engineering | (3.2.74)
BPMN, privacy analysis, SQL collaborative workow, privacy policy, Leaks-When analysis, Guessing advantage, PLEAK
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
MSc 55
[6, 44]
20 wps.

[AFG16], [ALL15], [DAKG17], ..., [TTY+ 19]
Spache |  Dale
Keele täiendamine lausearvutusvalemite translaatori näitel (link)
Alo Aasmäe, sprv. Ahti Peder
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref
Propositional calculus, satisability, combinatorics, programming language, grammar, graph
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 39
[6, 35]
5 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [15]
Spache |  Dale
Wavelet-based Image Denoising (link)
Ott Adermann, sprv. Irina Bocharova, Vitaly Skachek
Computer Science | Writer
Wavelets, image processing, image denoising, image compression
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 52
[5, 47]
14 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [40]
Spache |  Dale
Multidimensional Analysis to Understand Public Perception for a Health Initiative Project (link)
Joosua Adler, sprv. Rajesh Sharma, Ruth Hunter
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2010
health related policy, speed limit, opinion mining, social media analysis
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 28
[4, 25]
15 wps.

City, N. Y. (2014-2016)., Ferrier, K. (7. December 2017. a.)., Ingo Feinerer, K. H. (21. December 2018. a.)., ..., Zhao, Y. (2013).
Spache |  Dale
Andmebaasi juhtimissüsteemi võimekuse mõõtmine (link)
Vladislav Buivol, sprv. Vambola Leping
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
PostgreSQL, MariaDB, measurement of database capability, TPC-C, TPC-H, HammerDB
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 49
[6, 30]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [54]
Spache |  Dale
IoT seadmete sõnumite dekodeerimise lihtsustamine kasutajaliidesega (link)
Jan Durejko, sprv. Pelle Jakovits
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word Office 365 jaoks
IoT, ReactJS, NodeJs, decoding
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 30
[4, 27]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [19]
Spache |  Dale
Õppematerjalid aine „Sissejuhatus erialasse“ seminaridele (link)
Merit Eller, sprv. Mirjam Paales
Computer Science | Word
study materials, introductory course
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 31
[4, 26]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [18]
Spache |  Dale
The Impact of External Factors on Estonian Mobile Call Activity (link)
Hendrik Hiir, sprv. Rajesh Sharma, Anto Aasa
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
CDR, mobile interactions, network science, social network analysis, call activity
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 38
[6, 34]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [34]
Spache |  Dale
Nõrgima eeltingimuse staatiline analüüs pinukeeltele (link)
Mirjam Iher, sprv. Kalmer Apinis, PhD; Vesal Vojdani, PhD
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref
static analysis, weakest precondition, stack machine, Java bytecode
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 32
[6, 30]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [15]
Spache |  Dale
Predicting Demand for Smart Parking Systems (link)
Marten Jaago, sprv. Amnir Hadachi
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Parkimine, masinõpe, linnaplaneerimine, Parking, machine learning, urban design
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 32
[5, 29]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [21]
Spache |  Dale
IntelliJ IDEA-le testide loomise töövahendi Test-motor toe lisamine (link)
Karl Jääts, sprv. Vesal Vojdani
Computer Science | Microsoft Word for Office 365
Java, IntelliJ, automaattestid, pistikprogramm, peegeldus, tests, plugin, reflection
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 20
[4, 18]
5 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [9]
Spache |  Dale
Lab Package: Automated Testing Using CI/CD (link)
Andri Jasinski, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Software testing, lab package, Selenium, Gherkin, Python, web application
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 32
[4, 27]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [17]
Spache |  Dale
Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring in the OpenHAB Smart Home Framework (link)
Martin Jürgel, sprv. Jakob Mass
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Energy disaggregation, Internet of Things, Smart home, Energy monitoring, openHAB, Machine learning, NILMTK
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 39
[6, 31]
16 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 58.
Spache |  Dale
Ülevaade õppimisstrateegiatest ja õpetamisviisidest programmeerimise algõppes (link)
Marge Käis, sprv. Reimo Palm
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Programmeerimise algõpe, programmeerimise didaktika, Introductory programming, programming didactics
20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 28
[4, 23]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [58]
Spache |  Dale
Puude käsitlusviisid ja õpetamine (link)
Karl-Johannes Kalma, sprv. Ahti Peder
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016

20.06.2020 16:45 | Updated
BSc 36
[4, 33]
4 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 16.
Spache |  Dale
Android Fog Gateway for Personalized Health Monitoring (link)
Kristo Karp, sprv. Chii Chang, Mohan Liyanage
Computer Science | Word
IoMT, Firebase, Android, cloud message, heart rate
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 40
[5, 36]
14 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [23]
Spache |  Dale
Rekursiooni käsitlemine selle õpetamisel (link)
Carola Kesküla, sprv. Ahti Peder
Computer Science | Microsoft Word
Rekursioon, rekursiooni õpetamine, rekursiooni käsitlemine, rekursiivsed probleemid, rekursiivsed ülesanded, algoritmid, algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid, Recursion, teaching recursion, recursive problems, recursive exercises, algorithms, algorithms and data structures
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 79
[5, 51]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [98]
Spache |  Dale
Computational Models of Concept Similarity for the Estonian Language (link)
Claudia Kittask, sprv. Eduard Barbu
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Semantic similarity, relatedness, computational models, distributional models, semantic networks, computer vision
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 48
[5, 37]
12 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [35]
Spache |  Dale
FaaS pilveplatvormide võrdlus (link)
Mark-Eerik Kodar, sprv. Pelle Jakovits
Computer Science | Word
FaaS, IaaS, serverless, cloud computing
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 42
[4, 39]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [22]
Spache |  Dale
Procedural Generation of Skill-Based Systems (link)
Raigo Kõvask, sprv. Margus Luik
Computer Science | Writer
procedural generation, games, skill-based systems, Unity
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 38
[4, 36]
12 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [4]
Spache |  Dale
Mobiilirakendus Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi grafitibaasile (link)
Airis Kruus, sprv. Jakob Mass, Siiri Pärkson
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Android, app, graffiti, street art, data collecting
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 46
[5, 32]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [23]
Spache |  Dale
Veebirakendus prantsuse keele sõnavara õppimiseks (link)
Kadi Kukk, sprv. Lidia Feklistova, Kait Kasak
Computer Science | Word
web application, Firebase, Material Design, learning vocabulary, French, JavaScript (programming language), interactive learning
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 38
[4, 35]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [12]
Spache |  Dale
Delta Building Visualization – Admin Tool (link)
Daniel Kütt, sprv. Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Visualization, Unity, computer graphics, ASP.NET Core, REST API, Aurelia, web application, client-server architecture, Model-View-Controller, GUI design, ASP
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 33
[4, 23]
16 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [8]
Spache |  Dale
Interaktiivse veebiõpiku loomine ainele "Sissejuhatus andmebaasidesse" (link)
Johannes Erik Laamann, sprv. Piret Luik
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
SQL, databases, e-learning
11.06.2021 14:20 | Updated
BSc 24
[4, 20]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [21]
Spache |  Dale
Veebirakendus tööjõu kvaliteedikontrolli ankeetide täitmiseks ja statistika esitamiseks (link)
Indrek Lään, sprv. Helle Hein, PhD
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Veebirakendus, kvaliteedikontroll, ankeet, statistika, analüüs, HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Web application, quality control, evaluation form, statistics, analysis
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 53
[4, 28]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [28]
Spache |  Dale
Thonny arenduskeskkonna pistikprogramm skriptide käivitamiseks üle SSH (link)
Lauri Leiten, sprv. Aivar Annamaa
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
programmeerimine, Python, Thonny, SSH, SFTP, programming
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 25
[4, 22]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [28]
Spache |  Dale
Delta õppehoone visualisatsioon – visuaalsed efektid (link)
Einar Linde, sprv. Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Arvutigraafika, ilmastik, Unity, valgustus, varjutaja, visuaalsed efektid, visualisatsioon, Computer graphics, weather, lighting, shader, visual effects, visualization
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 37
[4, 33]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [14]
Spache |  Dale
Programmeerimise algkursuste loengud (link)
Andro Margens, sprv. Marina Lepp, Eno Tõnisson
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word Office 365 jaoks
Introductory programming course, live lecture, recorded lecture, students’ opinions
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 46
[5, 40]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [25]
Spache |  Dale
Veebilehe loomine spordiklubile Villu (link)
Marilin Mättik, sprv. Vambola Leping
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Villu Club, sisuhaldustarkvara, Joomla, veebileht, content management system, web page
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 31
[5, 26]
5 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [30]
Spache |  Dale
Simulating Energy Efficient Fog Computing (link)
Herman Meier, sprv. Satish Narayana Srirama
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Pilveandmetöötlus, algoritmid, hajustöötlus, Cloud computing, algorithms, distributed systems
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 30
[4, 27]
15 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [30]
Spache |  Dale
The Effect of Interface Animations on the Usability of Accommodation Booking Applications (link)
Kristina Meister, sprv. Maria Angelica Medina Angarita
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Usability, interface animation, accommodation booking application, System Usability Scale, effectiveness, efficiency., System Usability, Scale, efficiency
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 70
[6, 59]
14 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Veebilehtede loomise e-kursus edasijõudnutele (link)
Valeria Mikša, sprv. Lidia Feklistova
Computer Science | Word
Teaching/learning materials, e-course, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, user interface, user, experience, prototype
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 25
[4, 20]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [20]
Spache |  Dale
Icarus – a Real-Time Strategy Game in Space (link)
Daniel Nael, sprv. Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Computer game, real-time strategy game, game design, computer graphics, software devel-opment, Unity, usability testing, playtesting, software, development
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 43
[4, 33]
13 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [10]
Spache |  Dale
Programmeerimisülesannetele puupõhiste testandmete genereerimise süsteem TestMotor (link)
Ergo Nigola, sprv. Vesal Vojdani
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Unit testing, test data generation, program analysis, Java
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 34
[4, 30]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [14]
Spache |  Dale
Mobiilirakendus seente tuvastamiseks (link)
Andry Nõgols, sprv. Sven Aller
Computer Science |
Mobile application, artificial neural network, image recognition, Android
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 35
[5, 28]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [36]
Spache |  Dale
Eesti keele vana ja uue kirjaviisi teisendus lõplike muunduritega (link)
Ida Maria Orula, sprv. Heiki-Jaan Kaalep
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Lõplikud muundurid, vana kirjaviis, morfoloogia., Finite state transducers, Estonian old ortography, morphology
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 52
[5, 40]
3 wps.

Beesley, K. R., & Karttunen, L. (2003)., Bird, S., Loper, E., & Klein, E. (2009)., Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu, Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu. (2019)., ..., VAKK. (2013).
Spache |  Dale
Ethereum Blockchain and HyperLedger Burrow Blockchain Comparative Analysis (link)
Villem-Oskar Ossip, sprv. Orlenys López Pintado
Computer Science |
Blockchain Technology, Ethereum, Hyperledger Burrow
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 38
[3, 34]
12 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [38]
Spache |  Dale
Automaattestide loomine sessioonõppe ainele „Sissejuhatus andmebaasidesse“ (link)
Mikk Õunmaa, sprv. Piret Luik
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Andmebaasid, Java, automaattestid, MOOC, Database, automated testing, massive open online courses
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 34
[5, 25]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [21]
Spache |  Dale
NumPy õppematerjali koostamine gümnaasiumi valikkursusele "Tarkvaraarendus" (link)
Doris Park, sprv. Merilin Säde
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Python, NumPy, ADDIE, Merrill, study material, CERS P175 Informatics, systems theory, S270 Pedagogy and didactics
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 35
[4, 27]
3 wps.

Bates, A. W. (29. aprill 2015. a.)., Culatta, R. (29. aprill 2019. a.)., Deenadayalan, D., Kangaiammal, A., & Poornima, B. K. (2018)., ..., Tehniline kirjeldus gümnaasiumi informaatika valikkursustele. (4. mai 2019. a.).
Spache |  Dale
Suurte failide puhverdamine Nortali eHealth projekti näitel (link)
Sander Pärn, sprv. Artjom Lind
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Puhverdamine, mälupõhine andmebaas, mäluhaldus, Caching, in-memory database, memory management
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 21
[4, 19]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [13]
Spache |  Dale
Märgendite silumine klassifikaatorite logistilisel kalibreerimisel (link)
Liina Anette Pärtel, sprv. Meelis Kull
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
machine learning, model calibration, Platt scaling, logistic regression, probabilistic, classifier
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 26
[4, 23]
5 wps.

Flach, P. (2012)., Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., & Courville, A. (2016)., Hawkins, D. M. (2004)., ..., Zadrozny, B., & Elkan, C. (2001).
Spache |  Dale
Programmeerimise algkursuste ülesannete kategoriseerimine Bloomi taksonoomia alusel (link)
Eva-Maria Pedosk, sprv. Eno Tõnisson, Marina Lepp
Computer Science | Word
BloomÕs taxonomy, categorization of programming tasks, learning outcomes
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 64
[4, 41]
3 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Delta Building Visualization - Agent Logic (link)
Meelis Perli, sprv. Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Visualization, pathfinding, agent behavior, Unity, computer graphics, multi-agent system, optimization
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 38
[4, 34]
11 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [12]
Spache |  Dale
Modulaarsed tehisnärvivõrgud (link)
Jaan Erik Pihel, sprv. Meelis Kull, Markus Kängsepp
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Modular articial neural net, biases in neural networks, depiction of loss landscapes
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 34
[5, 30]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [22]
Spache |  Dale
Software Testing: Integration Testing Lab Package (link)
Mari-Liis Pihlapuu, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl, PhD
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word Office 365 jaoks
Software testing, lab materials, integration testing, mocking
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 19
[4, 15]
15 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [9]
Spache |  Dale
Pärmi genoomi funktsioonide visualiseerimine veebirakenduses (link)
Martin Põhjakivi, sprv. Rahul Kumar, Sven Aller
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Genoom, annotatsioonid, visualiseerimine, veebirakendus, Genome, annotations, visualization, web application
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 33
[5, 30]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [28]
Spache |  Dale
Lab Package: Automated GUI Testing (link)
Kert Prink, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
GUI, software testing, lab package
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 27
[4, 24]
12 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [7]
Spache |  Dale
Konvolutsioonilisel neurovõrgul põhineva teksti klassifitseerimismudeli interpreteerimine kliinilisel andmestikul (link)
Andreas Pung, sprv. Kairit Sirts
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Neurovõrkude interpreteerimine, konvolutsioonilised neurovõrgud, masinõpe, teksti binaarne klassifitseerimine, DementiaBank, Alzheimeri tõbi, Interpreting neural networks, convolutional neural networks, machine learning, binary text, classification, Alzheimer’s disease
20.06.2020 16:46 | Updated
BSc 50
[6, 46]
4 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Praktiliste ülesannete koostamine gümnaasiumile teemal „Infoturve“ (link)
Omar Purik, sprv. Kristjan Krips, Tauno Palts
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word Office 365 jaoks
Information security, privacy, teaching materials, Windows 10, web browsers
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 31
[4, 27]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [32]
Spache |  Dale
Programmeerimisülesannete kogu gümnaasiumi valikkursusele „Tarkvaraarendus“ (link)
Sandra Puusepp, sprv. Eno Tõnisson, Tauno Palts
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2010
…, Programming tasks, teaching materials, teaching programming to novices
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 60
[6, 35]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [50]
Spache |  Dale
Bayesi isotoonilise kalibreerimise algoritm ja selle optimeerimine (link)
Karl Riis, sprv. Meelis Kull
Computer Science | TeX

20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 38
[6, 35]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [8]
Spache |  Dale
Thonny logifailide analüüsi automatiseerimine (link)
Age Roosi, sprv. Eno Tõnisson, Heidi Meier
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Thonny, log file, data analysation, programming
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 29
[4, 26]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [10]
Spache |  Dale
Programmeerimine, kasutades sümboolseid automaate ja muundureid (link)
Jaagup Russak, sprv. Vesal Vojdani
Computer Science | TeX
automata, transducers, Bek, Bex, Fast
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 26
[4, 23]
5 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [16]
Spache |  Dale
RoomMapperAR – A Mobile Augmented Reality Room Mapper (link)
Ott Saar, sprv. Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Computer graphics, Augmented Reality, Android, Unity, ARCore, UX design, mobile application, software development, mobile, application
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 40
[5, 32]
14 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [8]
Spache |  Dale
Metsatulekahjude simulatsioon reaalajas (link)
Hannes Saariste, sprv. Jaanus Jaggo
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Wildfires, procedural generation, computer graphics
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 40
[5, 33]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [20]
Spache |  Dale
Voxel-World – maailm kuubikutest (link)
Markus Saarniit, sprv. Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2010
Võrestamine, OpenGL, arvutigraafika, varjude renderdamine, vee renderdamine, vokslid, Java, Meshing, computer graphics, rendering shadows, rendering water, voxels
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 35
[5, 28]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [7]
Spache |  Dale
Paisktabeliprintsiibi õpetamine ülikoolikursustel (link)
Alfred Saidlo, sprv. Ahti Peder
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Hash table, hashing, data structure, algorithm
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 47
[5, 41]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [74]
Spache |  Dale
Reeglipõhine lausekonstruktsioonide lihtsustaja eestikeelsetes tekstides (link)
Ruth Schihalejev, sprv. Sven Aller, Heili Orav
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Eesti keel, reeglipõhine lihtsustamine, süntaktiline lihtsustamine, süntaks, Estonian, Rule-based Simplification, Syntactic Simplification, Syntax
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 55
[5, 37]
4 wps.

Aluísio, S. M. & Gasperin, C. (2010)., Barlacchi, G. & Tonelli, S. (2013)., Chandrasekar, R., Doran, C. & Srinivas, B. (1996)., ..., YATS demo. (2016).
Spache |  Dale
Süntaksianalüüsil põhinev teksti lihtsustaja (link)
Stiivo Siider, sprv. Sven Aller, Heili Orav
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
süntaktiline lihtsustamine, sõltuvussüntaks, eesti keel, loomuliku keele töötlus, syntactic simplification, dependency syntax, Estonian, natural language processing
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 44
[5, 33]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [46]
Spache |  Dale
Önwall AR Tool (link)
Karl-Walter Sillaots, sprv. Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel
Computer Science | Microsoft Word 2013
Augmented reality (AR), mobile, application, mobile app, smart device, 3D graphics, com-puter graphics, Android, Unity, ARCore, com-, puter graphics
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 54
[5, 46]
14 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [10]
Spache |  Dale
Java programmide staatiline intervallanalüüs raamistikus Põder (link)
Andre Sinisalu, sprv. Kalmer Apinis
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word Office 365 jaoks
Staatiline analüüs, intervallanalüüs, Static analysis, interval analysis
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 27
[4, 23]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [12]
Spache |  Dale
Halduskeskkonna erilahendus veebirakendusele PärimusRada (link)
Hanna Tagen, sprv. Siim Karus, Mari Sarv
Computer Science | Microsoft Word
Halduskeskkond, sisuhaldussüsteem, veebirakendus, Administrative area, CMS, Content Management System, web application
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 40
[6, 29]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [22]
Spache |  Dale
Mobiilirakendus aiandusettevõttes põllumajandussaaduste kasvatamise ja turustamisega seotud tööetappide organiseerimise lihtsustamiseks (link)
Kerttu Talts, sprv. Jakob Mass
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Kujundus, paigutus, mall, Mobile Application, Android, Agriculture, Horticulture, Agricultural production
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 56
[6, 42]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [40]
Spache |  Dale
Introduction to Post-Quantum Cryptography in Scope of NIST's Post-Quantum Competition (link)
Helen Tera, sprv. Dominique Unruh
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Postkvantkrüptograafia, postkvantkrüptograafia standardiseerimine, võrepõhine krüptograafia, koodipõhine krüptograafia, Post-quantum cryptography, post-quantum cryptography standardization, lattice based, cryptography, code based cryptography, multivariate polynomials, hashes
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 30
[2, 27]
8 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [25]
Spache |  Dale
Kinnisvara müügiinfo süstematiseerimise rakendus (link)
Janno Tilk, sprv. Vambola Leping
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref
Web application, Scraping, Java, Jsoup, ReactJS, Real Estate
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 30
[4, 26]
4 wps.

[air], [axi], [boo], ..., [wap]
Spache |  Dale
Võrgutopoloogia visualiseerimine (link)
Tanel Tomson, sprv. Meelis Roos
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Local area network topology, visualization, SNMP, CDP, LLDP
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 24
[5, 21]
4 wps.

[Bar08], [Bar11], [Bha15a], ..., [Ytt]
Spache |  Dale
Programmeerimisülesannete lahendamisel tekkivate Thonny logifailide korrastamine (link)
Villem Tõnisson, sprv. Eno Tõnisson, Heidi Meier
Computer Science | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.131 Safari/537.36
Log files, Thonny, Python
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 31
[1, 31]
2 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Õppematerjalid kasutamiseks andmebaaside õpetamisel (link)
Kerli Tootsmann, sprv. Vambola Leping
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Õppevideod, SQL, andmebaasid, Educational videos, databases
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 40
[4, 28]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [20]
Spache |  Dale
Informaatika bakalaureuse õppekava õpiväljunditest ja üliõpilaste enesehinnangutest (link)
Tarmo Riivo Tšernjavski, sprv. Helle Hein
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2013
Informaatika, õpiväljundid, Tartu Ülikool, arvutiteadus, Informatics, learning-outcomes, University of Tartu, computer science
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 38
[4, 24]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [10]
Spache |  Dale
Kolmemõõtmelise kasutajaliidese disain ja arendus (link)
Salme Ussanov, sprv. Madis Vasser
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016

20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 52
[5, 44]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [22]
Spache |  Dale
Muusika genereeriminenärvivõrkude abil (link)
Tambet Uutsalu, sprv. Sven Aller
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word Office 365 jaoks
Intellektitehnika, muusika, neurovõrgud, Artificial intelligence, music, artificial neural networks
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 28
[5, 22]
4 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 15.
Spache |  Dale
Literature Review: Open Innovation in Software Engineering (link)
Georg Vann, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl
Computer Science | Word
Systematic literature review, open innovation, software engineering
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 28
[4, 22]
13 wps.

Benbasat, I., Goldstein, D. K., & Mead, M. (1987)., Brereton, P., Kitchenham, B. A., Budgen, D., Turner, M., & Khalil, M. (2007)., Chesbrough, H. (2006)., ..., West, J., & Gallagher, S. (2006).
Spache |  Dale
Fall - A Turn-Based Tactical Role-Playing Game on a Hex Map (link)
Oliver Vinkel, sprv. Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel
Computer Science | Acrobat PDFMaker 11 for Word
fall, hex map, regular hexagon, regular tessellation, video game, Unity game engine, computer graphics, computer games development, turn-based strategy
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
BSc 70
[5, 65]
15 wps.

[ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], ..., [ 12 ]
Spache |  Dale
Analysis of Software Applications Computing Resources Usage on the Edge: A Case Study of Speech Recognition (link)
Bilal Abdullah, sprv. Alo Peets
Software Engineering | LaTeX with hyperref
Edge Devices, Sensors, Edge Computing Resources, Speech Recognition, Sensor Generated Data, Data Analytics, Application Resource Utilization, Application Resource, Consumption, Applications on the Edge, Android
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
MSc 40
[6, 37]
22 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [12]
Spache |  Dale
Identifying Semantically Duplicate Questions Using Data Science Approach: A Quora Case Study (link)
Navedanjum Mohammed Hanif Ansari, sprv. Rajesh Sharma
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2016
Quora, Duplicate question, Machine learning, Deep learning, model, neural, network
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
MSc 52
[6, 47]
16 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [34]
Spache |  Dale
On Privacy Preserving Blockchains and zk-SNARKs (link)
Shahla Atapoor, sprv. Helger Lipmaa, Janno Siim, Karim Baghery
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Privacy preserving coin, Zerocash, Zero-knowledge proof, zk-SNARK
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
MSc 59
[9, 53]
17 wps.

[AB19], [ABL+ 19], [ABLZ17a], ..., [ST99]
Spache |  Dale
Recommending Issue Reports to Developers Using Machine Learning (link)
Abel Mesfin Cherinet, sprv. Ezequiel Scott
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2016
Layout, formatting, template, Recommender system, task assignment, bug-triage, machine learning, text classification, Naïve Bayes, Support vector machines, K-nearest neighbor, Information retrieval
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
MSc 46
[6, 42]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [25]
Spache |  Dale
Predicting Hackathon Outcomes Using Machine Learning (Data Analytics) (link)
Sofiya Demchuk, sprv. Irene-Angelica Chounta, Alexander Nolte
Software Engineering | LaTeX with hyperref package
Hackathon, outcome prediction, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, technologies, project, winner
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
MSc 42
[5, 32]
16 wps.

[AKB18], [BB18], [BLM+ 17], ..., [WOM15]
Spache |  Dale
Predicting Survived and Killed Mutants (link)
Natia Doliashvili, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl, Rudolf Ramler
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Software testing, mutation testing, predictive mutation testing, machine learning
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
MSc 41
[5, 39]
11 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [8]
Spache |  Dale
Dealing with Complexity in Process Model Discovery Through Segmentation (link)
Yevhen Dorodnikov, sprv. Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Fredrik Payman Milani
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2010
Process Mining, Process Analytics Tool, Complex Process Model, Segmented Process Model, Complexity Measures, Segmented Process, Model
20.06.2020 16:47 | Updated
MSc 50
[6, 43]
12 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [16]
Spache |  Dale
Modeling Business Processes on a Blockchain Ecosystem using CMMN (link)
Svitlana Filipova, sprv. Fredrik Milani, Luciano García-Bañuelos
Innovation and Technology Management | Microsoft® Word для Office 365
Blockchain, CMMN, Business Process Models
12.06.2021 11:55 | Updated
MSc 43
[4, 38]
16 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 64.
Spache |  Dale
An Evaluation of Sinhala Language NLP Tools and Neural Network Based POS Taggers (link)
Jayasinghe Arachchilage Sriyal Himesh Jayasinghe, sprv. Kairit Sirts
Computer Science | WPS Office Community
NaturalLanguageProcessing, PartOfSpeech, POStagging, Evaluation, Rulebasedapproach, Stochasticapproach, Deeplearning
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 39
[7, 30]
2 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Mining Gold and Silver Using Machine Learning: Predicting Cancelled Orders at the Online Store of Tavex Norway (link)
Liisa Kallas, sprv. Rajesh Sharma
Conversion Master in IT |
data mining, machine learning, e-commerce, cancelled orders, precious metals
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 4
[1, 4]
3 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Rule Mining with RuM (link)
Denizalp Kapisiz, sprv. Fabrizio Maria Maggi
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2016
Layout, formatting, template, Process mining, Declarative process models, Process discovery, Conformance, checking, Process analytics tool
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 51
[5, 48]
15 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [23]
Spache |  Dale
SpatialData IO: A Web-based Spatial Data Customization Tool for Collection of Area of Interest Information (link)
Partha Sarathi Kar, sprv. Juhan-Peep Ernits, Dietmar Pfahl, Andreas Kiik
Software Engineering | Word
geographic information system, web-based user interface, area of interest description
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 63
[6, 58]
13 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Applying ServiceNow in Procurement Management: A Case Study at Playtech (link)
Tiivi Klooren, sprv. Anne Villems, Taavi Ilp
Conversion Master in IT | Microsoft® Word 2016
ServiceNow, procurement, software validation, Nordtest, Playtech
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 4
[1, 4]
8 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Graafika loomine ning optimeerimine arenduskeskkonnas Unity (link)
Ahti Maa, sprv. Margus Luik
Conversion Master in IT |
Computer Graphics, Visual Effects, Unity
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 47
[6, 47]
2 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Blockchain Oracles (link)
Kamran Mammadzada, sprv. Fredrik Milani
Innovation and Technology Management | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Blockchain, blockchain oracle
12.06.2021 11:55 | Updated
MSc 45
[4, 40]
18 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [72]
Spache |  Dale
Modelling Business Processes on a Blockchain Eco-System (BPMN) (link)
Mariia Markovska, sprv. Fredrik Payman Milani, Luciano García-Bañuelos
Innovation and Technology Management | Acrobat PDFMaker 10.0 для Word
Blockchain, Smart Contracts, BPMN, Business Process Models., B lockchain, Business Process Models
12.06.2021 11:55 | Updated
MSc 37
[4, 34]
21 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [34]
Spache |  Dale
Robotic Automation of University Admission Processes (link)
David Meshvelashvili, sprv. Marlon Gerardo Dumas Menjivar
Innovation and Technology Management | Microsoft® Office Word 2007
RPA, Robotic Process Automation, Robotic Automation, Process Automation
12.06.2021 11:55 | Updated
MSc 46
[7, 41]
13 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Empirical Study of Asynchronous Batch Codes (link)
Sander Mikelsaar, sprv. Vitaly Skachek, Eldho K. Thomas
Cyber Security | LaTeX with hyperref
Coding theory, storage system, load balancing, batch codes, asynchronous batch codes, system simulations
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 41
[4, 39]
30 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [12]
Spache |  Dale
Measuring Corporate Reputation Through Online Social Media: A Case Study of Volkswagen Scandal (link)
Paria Molayemvand, sprv. Rajesh Sharma, Peter Ormosi
Software Engineering | LaTeX with hyperref package
sentiment analysis, social media, tweet, corporate reputation, crisis, Volkswagen scandal, stock, market prediction
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 37
[8, 34]
15 wps.

[CSTL16], [DB15], [Dow16], ..., [ZVK17]
Spache |  Dale
A Fully Data On-chain Solution for Tracking Provenance of Handcrafted Jewellery (link)
Ivan Ojiambo, sprv. Luciano Garcia-Banuelos
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2016
Päritolu, Plokiahela, Hyperledger fabric, Ethereum, Provenance, blockchain
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 38
[6, 34]
17 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [20]
Spache |  Dale
ValChrom – Software Tool for Validation of Chromatographic Analysis Method (link)
Grace Okolo, sprv. Marlon Dumas, Koit Herodes, Asko Laaniste
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
ikhhj, analytical method validation software, chemical analysis, chromatography, method, validation, client-side application development
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 60
[6, 43]
16 wps.

1., 2., 3., ..., 21.
Spache |  Dale
Detecting Corruption in Public Procurement Through Open Data Analysis (link)
Mart Kevin Põlluste, sprv. Rajesh Sharma
Innovation and Technology Management | Word
Corruption, public procurement, machine learning
12.06.2021 11:55 | Updated
MSc 81
[10, 56]
17 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Conceptualization of a Blockchain Based Voting Ecosystem in Estonia (link)
Rahul Puniani, sprv. Fredrik Milani and Mihkel Solvak
Innovation and Technology Management | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Internet Voting, Blockchain, Voting, Continual Voting, Elections
12.06.2021 11:55 | Updated
MSc 46
[5, 42]
15 wps.

Agora. (2018)., Akbari, E., Wu, Q., Zhao, W., R. Arabnia, H., & Qu Yang, M. (2017)., Ayed, A. B. (2017)., ..., Zhen-Yu, W., Ju-Chuan, W., Lin, S.-C., & Wang, C. (2014).
Spache |  Dale
Võltsitud PDF dokumentide tuvastamise võimalused (link)
Indrek Purga, sprv. Kristjan Krips
Conversion Master in IT | Microsoft® Word 2010
PDF, failiuuring, võltsitud dokument, fiktiivne dokument, pettus, Java, file forensics, forged document, fictive document, fraud
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 3
[1, 3]
5 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Improving Application Lifecycle Management at Swedbank: A Case Study (link)
Margarit Shmavonyan, sprv. Fredrik Payman Milani, Margus Melsas
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word 2016
Application Lifecycle Management, ALM, case study
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 3
[1, 3]
7 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Case study: Business Analysis in ERP Implementation/Customization Projects (link)
Taavi Silm, sprv. Fredrik Payman Milani
Conversion Master in IT |
Business Analysis, ERP, COTS
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 70
[7, 53]
18 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [39]
Spache |  Dale
Security of Health Information Databases (link)
Mart Simisker, sprv. Jan Willemson, Dominique Unruh
Computer Science | LaTeX with hyperref package
Storage of sensitive data, database security, HSM, application side encryption
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 49
[5, 43]
15 wps.

[ACGW99], [AKSX04], [Apaa], ..., [uni]
Spache |  Dale
A New Approach of Video Ingestion Processing for Entertainment Systems (link)
Oleksandra Tkalich, sprv. Amnir Hadachi
Software Engineering |

20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 4
[1, 4]
14 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Predicting Academic Performance From Admission Scores and Application Data – A Case Study (link)
Ketevan Toria, sprv. Marlon Dumas, Irene-Angelica Chounta
Software Engineering |
educationaldatamining, academicperformanceprediction, admissionscore, classification model, feature selection algorithms
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 40
[5, 38]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [20]
Spache |  Dale
Software Tool for Validation of Chromatographic Analytical Method (link)
Kodjovi Hippolyte-Fayol Toulassi, sprv. Marlon Dumas, Koit Herodes, Asko Laaniste
Software Engineering | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
analytical procedure validation, analytical method validation, chromatography, analytical procedure validation software, analytical method validation tool
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 46
[7, 40]
15 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [18]
Spache |  Dale
Lapsevanematele suunatud veebilehtede kasutatavuse testimine (link)
Anet Vallsalu, sprv. Evgenia Trofimova
Conversion Master in IT | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.87 Safari/537.36
Usability, usability testing, user experience, user research
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
MSc 128
[5, 128]
4 wps.

Spache |  Dale
Magasini ja järjekorra õpetamine ülikoolikursustel (link)
Agu-Art Annuk, sprv. Ahti Peder
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word for Office 365
Magasin, järjekord, algoritm, andmestruktuur, andmetüüp, Stack, queue, algorithm, data structure, data type
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
BSc 33
[5, 30]
3 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [20]
Spache |  Dale
IntelliJ IDEA-le testide loomise töövahendi Testmotor toe lisamine (link)
Karl Jääts, sprv. Vesal Vojdani
Computer Science |

20.06.2020 16:35 | Pending
Application for Psychophysics Experiments in Virtual Reality (link)
Renee Kroon, sprv. Jaan Aru, Madis Vasser
Computer Science |
virtualreality, three-dimensionalgraphics, Unity, psychophysics, cognition, vision
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
BSc 39
[4, 35]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [23]
Spache |  Dale
Software Testing: Integration Testing Lab Package (link)
Mari-Liis Pihlapuu, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl, PhD
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word Office 365 jaoks
Software testing, lab materials, integration testing, mocking
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
BSc 19
[4, 15]
15 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [9]
Spache |  Dale
Lab Package: Automated GUI Testing (link)
Kert Prink, sprv. Dietmar Pfahl
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
GUI, software testing, lab package
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
BSc 27
[4, 24]
12 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [7]
Spache |  Dale
Kahni algoritmi tõestamine Coq raamistikus (link)
Raul Redpap, sprv. Kalmer Apinis
Computer Science | Microsoft® Word 2016
Algorithms and data structures, Kahn’s algorithm, Coq, formal proof
20.06.2020 16:48 | Updated
BSc 20
[4, 17]
4 wps.

[1], [2], [3], ..., [8]
Spache |  Dale
Integrating User Identity with Ethereum Smart Contract Wallet (link)
Aleksandr Tsõganov, sprv. Orlenys López Pintado, Aivo Kalu, Kristjan Kuhi
Software Engineering | Microsoft Word
Layout, formatting, template, Blockchain, smart contracts, Ethereum, digital signature, user identity, Smart-ID
20.06.2020 16:52 | Updated
MSc 42
[6, 37]
13 wps.

Allmendinger, O., Chan, B., & barathcj. (2017, 11 23)., Andreas M. Antonopoulos, G. W. (2018)., Bamert T., D. C. (2014)., ..., Wilma Woo. (2018, 10 03).
Spache |  Dale