Hello Allegro

Allegro is a game programming library featuring 2D graphics. We will be using this during the first two weeks of this course. Make sure the development environment setup is done on your PC for C++ tasks. When you are doing the task in the lab, you only need to install VSCode extensions.

In the following link you can find a simple base code for the task at hand:

The task itself is to draw an equilateral triangle in a specific position. In the base code you can find a function drawTriangle(x, y) that is unfinished. The task is to finish it. The final result should look something like the image on the right.

You can choose the size and color of the triangle yourself. Main requirement is that it is a equilateral (all of the sides have the same length) and the center of the triangle is positioned at the coordinates given to the function.

Correctly formatted code is expected. Please indent the code correctly and avoid bad coding practices, such as magic numbers.
